Mr. Smith's Whip

Free Mr. Smith's Whip by Brynn Paulin

Book: Mr. Smith's Whip by Brynn Paulin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brynn Paulin
    “Girl-5-1-1?” Stranger and stranger. If she came to a little bottle labeled Drink Me, she was outta here. And if Colin called her anything less than her name or an endearment, he could just kiss her ass. Her cunt fluttered at that, but she tried to shove it away. What she’d do and how he’d treat her was important.
    Syb waited until the doors shut, closing away the scene, and she’d pressed the button for the fourth floor. “It’s her thing—and her Master’s thing. Some people like more objectification than others. Don’t judge.”
    Olivia shook her head. “I’m not,” she vehemently clarified. “I’m just worried about what the hell I’m getting into.”
    Her companion remained silent which Olivia didn’t find the least bit reassuring. Was the scene she’d just observed the sort of thing Colin had in mind for her? He’d said he was into exhibition, but she’d assumed he meant during sex. Her insides knotted.
    Maybe she was making a mountain out of a molehill. With Colin, she was comfortable.
    He never seemed to want anything that didn’t turn her on or to which she wouldn’t agree, even if she had initial hesitation.
    Syb reached over and gave the chain connected to the clamps a tug. “Stop it,” she ordered. “Remember, trust him. The two of you will get nowhere without trust. I know this is new, but you must already trust him somewhat to have gotten to this point. Don’t take that away now. Or else leave.”
    Olivia looked at her wide-eyed. “Leave?” Her whole being objected to that, even her over-active thoughts.
    “Yes, leave. He’s a good guy. You shouldn’t mess with his head.” She almost laughed at the thought. A submissive messing with big, bad Dom, Mr.
    Smith’s head? He could chew her up and move on. Or drop her at home and forget about her.
    She wasn’t so important that what she thought was a big deal to him.
    “You don’t have to worry about what I’ll do.” The rest of the trip was made in silence.
    Soon, she was led into the room where Colin waited and suddenly everything made more sense.
    His eyes darkened with possessive approval as he set aside the book in his hand and stood, waiting for her to come to him. Syb retreated without a word and it was only them, save for a few uninterested parties in other areas of the space that had been outfitted to look like a library—
    a posh version with leather armchairs and a cheery fire. Still there were study tables and computer terminals scattered around the space while floor to ceiling shelves filled with books lined the walls.
    And she was Colin’s own personal librarian.
    “How may I assist you, Mr. Smith?” she asked quietly, her head slightly bowed as she stopped in front of him.
    “My God, you’re gorgeous.”
    “Thank you, Sir.” Warmth swelled inside her, and some of her worry dissipated. This was right between them. As he watched her, she sensed an unspoken affection that wrapped them both in an intimacy she hadn’t seen downstairs. Perhaps it had been there and she hadn’t known, because it wasn’t her situation.
    Colin twisted a loose tendril of her hair around his finger. “I want you on your knees with my cock in your mouth,” he commanded, his voice as even as if they were discussing the weather.
    Here? For once, she maintained enough control to keep in the question, but she was sure he saw it in her eyes. With some difficulty, she dropped to her knees before him. He backed away and sat in the brown, leather armchair he’d vacated. His arms laid on the rests as he waited, his face bland yet almost challenging.
    Suppressing a sigh as she watched the fine scrap of control she’d had waft away, she scooted across the floor on her knees. The metal cuffs clanked against one another and underlined her ‘captivity’ and submission to her Master. Between his knees, she waited, staring at the ridge of his penis behind his zipper. He wanted her to give him head, but she had no idea what to do

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