The One

Free The One by Vivienne Harris-Scott

Book: The One by Vivienne Harris-Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivienne Harris-Scott
would be enough for her.
    Within 3 years of marriage, Melissa and
Julian were born. Within seven years, Peter's party won the general
federal elections, and he was sworn in as Prime minister of Australia.
    A position that remained his until a few
months before his death, some twenty odd years later.
    Moving into Kirribilli House , the
official Prime Minister residence was the start of Helen's life. She
decided to send the children to boarding school, so she could finally focus on
being the country ’ s First Lady. Over the years, Peter's
party kept being re-elected, Peter cementing his position of Prime minister at
home and international figure abroad. While travelling all over the
world with her husband, Helen became a fashion icon, a permanent fixture
in the best circles, and all but forgot to be a mother to her children. Of
course, she saw them during the school holidays but to say that their
relationship was nurturing or loving would be an overstatement.
    Melissa and Julian only had each other for
moral support, and while their father did his very best to love his children
when he saw them, it simply never replaced nor compensated the lack of maternal
warmth and love.
    His responsibility was to the country
    Julian was particularly affected by his
parents ’ absence and kept getting into trouble
years after years, school after school. His grades were fine but obtained
without efforts - countless reports called him “ an intelligent young man, but with
restless tendencies. “ - making him the black sheep of the family
while Melissa, though cynical in her wit when she examined their situation, had
a calmer temperament.
    By the age of 16, Melissa had decided she
would study architecture and design in Europe, while Julian, still 14
years-old, would finish school in Sydney.
    Whatever Julian did, it would never be
good enough for his mother. Realizing this at a very young age, as she would
always compare him to her friend ’ s children, particularly Ethan McGregor,
the son she wished he were; he grew tired of seeking her attention by any
wicked means he could think of, and swore to himself, he would leave home
as soon as the first opportunity presented itself. He loved his father dearly
as the man always showed interest in him and kindness when he was present, but
he simply wouldn't bear to be around his mother more than necessary as the
years went by.
    Luckily, he didn't have to wait until he
was of age for the fortunate break to occur. Having inherited the
smarts of his father and grandfather, he was enrolled at Sydney law school at
the age of 17. While his best friend and nemesis Ethan McGregor involved
himself in students ’ politics, Julian decided to put his
blessed dashing looks and extravert personality to use. He was invited to all
parties, including the underground ones, and incidentally met a British
scouting agent at one of them.
    This was his ticket out. He convinced his
father to allow him one year off studying, and promised that if he weren ’ t successful, he would obediently return
home, go to university to obtain a degree, become a lawyer and take over
the family business.
    Fortunately he never had to find out if he
would have made good on his word, as after landing in London, within two
months, he was on the runway of Paris and Milan before heading to New York
which would become his principal place of residence for the next five years
when he wasn't working in Europe.
    Life had been kind to Julian. With the
newfound financial and emotional independence, he became the go-to model after
cementing a golden contract with Calvin Klein at 21. Women were available
aplenty and he explored as many as he could. He didn't really know what being
in love was, but the first time he was smitten long enough to have an actual
relationship that lasted over two months, he thought love was it, and he
married the girl in Las Vegas without even informing his family until the
marriage had been consummated and

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