RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

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Book: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
boots and an old flannel shirt.
    Just to see the look on his face. He'd stare and hem and haw, at a loss for words. He'd see I was a sophisticated woman and not to be trifled with. But it was neither here nor there. I was dressed this way for a reason.
    Today, I was getting dirty.
    "What do you want Jackson?"
    He grinned at me in that insufferably cocky way of his.
    "I wanted to say hello."
    "Fine. Hello."
    "And see if you'd simmered down at all."
    I narrowed my eyes at him.
    "No, I haven't."
    "And to collect my tools."
    I put my hands on my hips and glared at him.
    "On your horse?"
    Now he looked embarrassed. I wasn't sure but- yes! A faint blush was staining his handsome cheeks.
    "Well, I wanted to talk. And set a time to come and pick them up."
    "You could have sent someone else. Someone less likely to take their pants off."
    Now his cheeks were red with anger.
    "Now see here woman!"
    I turned my back on him abruptly and started walking away. I heard the horse come up along side me. The man was following me!
    "Do you mind? Your horse is kicking up dust."
    I smirked when he cursed and dismounted. Then he trotted after me on foot, the horse following behind.
    "Now see here Angie-"
    "Don't call me that."
    "Dammit woman I am trying to explain myself to you!"
    He grabbed my arms and turned me to face him in the road. On either side of us, the horse and the dog watched the scenario unfold. It would have been funny if I hadn't been so angry!
    "Fine. Explain."
    He ran his hands through his hair.
    "I came to- apologize- and-"
    "I accept. Have a nice day."
    I started walking again. Unfortunately D was in the way and I got tangled up in his leash. Jackson was laughing as I teetered, trying to extricate myself with some shred of dignity.
    "Here, let me help you."
    He grabbed my arms. This time he meant to steady me not maul me, but I still took offense. I yanked away from him with a curse.
    "Damnit Jackson! I don't need your help!"
    He stared at me, his eyes hard.
    "I don't care. You're getting it!"
    My mouth opened.
    "Furthermore I will be coming over later to fix the rest of your leaks and take a look at the electrical!"
    "And if you need anything else, I will be the man to help you!"
    We stared at each other for a heartbeat. Then our mouths collided. I felt myself getting crushed against his big hard chest as he angled his mouth over mine. In a second his tongue was inside my mouth and mine in his.
    We weren't just kissing passionately. We were hate-kissing . Our tongues weren't caressing. They were battling .
    I moaned in pleasure and frustration.
    He was winning.
    I felt his hands reach down simultaneously to give my ass a squeeze. He made a raspy, low, masculine sound of contentment. I felt myself go all warm and gooey inside, at the same instant that I filled with rage.
    I pulled back and slapped him. It was his shoulder this time, not his stupid handsome face. I doubted he felt more than a sting through those thick, brawny muscles. But I still enjoyed the look of surprise on his face.
    "What the hell Ange!"
    "I told you, I'm not falling into bed with you Jackson!"
    He grinned at me.
    "Who said anything about bed? I'm not picky about where."
    "You aren't picky? Dear God, is that supposed to make me want to sleep with you?"
    "You already do want to sleep with me!"
    "No, I don't!"
    He narrowed his eyes at me.
    "Listen here woman, I've had about enough of this. You are going to be mine."
    "I am- what? "
    He nodded as if he was explaining to a simpleton. Which I was not. But I was starting to wonder if all those muscles drained the blood from his head.
    "Here's how its gonna go. We are going back to your place. I will make you scream with pleasure. You will be grateful. Then later we can do it again. As much as you want."
    He actually sounded magnanimous. As if he was doing me a favor.
    "Afterwards I will take you shopping. Elle said you were going to the feed store. I have a nice, big... truck."
    I was still in

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