RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

Free RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy by Joanna Blake

Book: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
    They were both looking at me like I was slow witted. I grit my teeth. I knew I was desperate if I was asking for advice.
    "What am I supposed to do, hang around outside her damn driveway?"
    Elle laughed.
    "Actually, I just saw her."
    I perked up immediately.
    "She's out walking her dog."
    "She has a dog? She didn't have one yesterday."
    "She does now."
    I put my drink down and grinned, feeling a fresh surge of energy. Elle was right. I'd just spell it out for little Miss Angelina Randall plain as day. She was going to be my woman from now on. It was very simple. Even she could understand it.
    "Where are you going?"
    "For a ride."
    I saddled my horse myself. I'd been neglecting him, which was unusual for me. I knew who was to blame for that. Angelina and her long legs, long hair and surly disposition.
    I mounted my stallion and turned him out towards the road.
    "Come on Thor, let's go and get our woman."


    "Come on boy. I need to wear you out."
    The puppy Casey had picked out at the pound was adorable but way more rambunctious than I'd imagined. He'd already knocked over two chairs and a stack of papers I was trying to organize. I was grateful for the way he made Case smile though.
    And I needed the distraction.
    No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about him .  
    He'd almost gotten what he wanted yesterday. I had no excuse for it either. I hadn't been drunk. I hadn't been caught off guard. I'd known he was going to try it at some point.
    I should have been prepared for his moves. Instead, I'd let it happen. Hell, I'd enjoyed it.
    Until he'd opened his damn mouth.
      "Come on D."
    I grimaced, refusing to use the name. Casey had named him after one of the characters on her silly vampire shows. Even I had to admit that the actor playing the bloodthirsty vampire was pretty cute.
    None of them had a thing on Jackson Delancey.
    I sighed. I wished it wasn't true, but it was.
    The man was literally sex on wheels.
    I shook my head and turned my thoughts to my first project. I had no time to waste. It was already early spring. I had to turn the soil, amend it, and start growing seedlings as soon as possible.
    I had decided to start small. A vegetable garden by the house to try out different crops and see what grew easily and well in the soil.  
    I'd already started a compost heap, with plans to create a whole row of them behind the hedges that separated our yard from the rest of the farm.
    I was so lost in thought that I nearly ran into the damn dog. I stared down at him in consternation.
    D's ears had perked up. His tail had stopped wagging, pointing straight for the sky. He was frozen, staring behind me with rapt attention. I turned to see what he was looking at.
    Before I even saw him, I knew who it was. I knew the instant I heard the whistling.
    Jackson Delancey was whistling at me.
    Not a wolf whistle.
    He was whistling at me like I was a dog.
    I turned around and ignored him. I would not give him the time of day, no matter how good he looked on a horse. The dog kept stopping and looking over his shoulder. I tugged on his leash and whistled at him but it was no use.
    I stared down at the stupid dog in disgust as Jackson rode towards us on an enormous horse.
    I resisted the urge to fix my hair. Why I would want to pretty myself up for him was beyond me. But the impulse was there all the same.
    He pulled his horse to a stop just a few feet away. I refused to budge even as I thought for a split second he was trying to run me down. I saw a spark of grudging admiration in his eyes for my courage.
    I watched in fascination as he stroked the horse's neck affectionately, murmuring words on encouragement. His hand might be on the horse, but his eyes were on me. I stood there self-consciously, realizing I was once again in dusty, dirty work gear. I cursed inwardly. Just once I'd like to show him how I had looked back when I was working in the city, instead of blue jeans, work

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