RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

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Book: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
shock from his original offer. To make me his. What the hell did that even mean? Was he asking me to date him?
    I shook my head mentally.
    No. Once again, he just meant sex.
    "I can see you take my meaning. Let's go."
    "Hell no!"
    "I told you-"
    "Angelina, you are going to stop fighting me. You belong to me now. You are going to be very happy I promise you."
    "Like hell I am!"
    I started back towards home.
    "I will pick you up in one hour!"
    I was halfway home before I realized what I'd agreed to. I'd have to find a way out of that. Spending time in close proximity to the man was not a good idea.
    First of all, he aggravated me. Second of all, he distracted the hell out of me! Third of all, I was more than a little nervous he'd catch me at a weak moment and kiss me again.
    Or worse.
    I knew that no matter what I said, I did not have the willpower to continue denying him. As arrogant and stupid as he was, he had some sort of pull over me. So I would just have to avoid him.
    One thing was certain. I was never going to belong to Jackson Delancey!

Chapter Twelve

    Angelina was locking the front door, her eyes on the list in her hand. She nearly backed into me. Her eyes widened as she turned, shock all over her face. She hadn't expected me to show up twenty minutes early. I smirked at her, watching her cheeks turn pink.
    It was obvious she'd been planning to sneak out on me.
    "Glad to see you are ready for me."
    She spun at the sound of my voice, looking instantly contrite. I smiled charmingly. I had decided to be sweet with the woman. You caught more flies with honey. That's what Mrs. G always said.
    "You look nice."
    She stared at me, mistrust shining out of her eyes. But she did look nice, even if she was just wearing an old shirt and a pair of soft looking worn in jeans. She just happened to look good in anything she put on that hot little body of hers.
    I'd like to peel those dusty work clothes off her. Slowly.  
    Fuck that, I'd toss those on the floor in two shakes.
    I held the door open for her and she hesitated for a split second. Then she climbed in. I realized I'd been holding my breath as I closed the door behind her. I got in and started the engine.  
    "Nobody does that you know."
    "Locks their door."
    "Casey is in there alone."
    "She'll be fine."
    She said nothing so I started the drive into town. I cleared my throat, hoping to explain my position to her clearly. Or rather, spell out my proposition.
    "I think we got off on the wrong foot."
    She made a derisive sound, not far from a snort. I glanced at her and then back at the road. I started again.
    "When I said we should get it out of our system, I didn't mean all in one night."
    "I meant that we could have an arrangement. A friendship of sorts."
    She made that unladylike snorting sound again.
    "I'd look after you and your sister. Gladly. And we could spent time together."
    "You mean in bed."
    I nodded, wondering if I was imagining the sarcasm in her voice.
    "Yes, exactly. I would take real good care of you. I promise you won't be disappointed."
    "Gee, what a generous offer Jackson. What exactly am I getting out of this?"
    I took my eyes off the road for a split second. I was shocked that she even had to ask.
    "You're getting me. "
    I thought that would be the end of it. But no. The woman had the gall to laugh at me. Not just a little.
    No, she guffawed.
    I grimaced, doggedly making my case.
    "I'm considered quite a catch around here you know."
    "I'm sure you are."
    "I'm a considerate lover. I don't even mind taking off my shoes."
    She was laughing even harder now. Damn her.
    "I've never made an offer like this to anyone else. Plenty of girls would give anything to be in your position."
    Angie let out another rude sound. It was a full on snort this time. Just like a cute little piggy. I pressed on; sure I was starting to get through to her. I had to dammit.
    "I could protect you from all the unsavory

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