Angel in Scarlet: A Bound and Determined Novel

Free Angel in Scarlet: A Bound and Determined Novel by Lavinia Kent

Book: Angel in Scarlet: A Bound and Determined Novel by Lavinia Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lavinia Kent
her parlor.
    He followed obediently, if reluctantly.
    The door led to a small room, hardly more than a closet with a small desk crammed in the middle, a chair on each side.
    “Please sit,” Ruby said, gesturing to the seat nearest the door as she slithered behind the desk.
    He raised a brow in question.
    “It’s my porter’s office. I know it’s oddly placed, but Simms’s pride demanded a space of his own. I rarely use it, but there are already several gentlemen in the parlor, and what I need to say is not public.”
    He made no comment, simply waited for her to continue.
    She leaned forward, her magnificent breasts presenting a most pleasing view—although he found himself less interested than usual.
    “I understand you are meeting Miss Ripon here this evening.” She stated it as fact, not question.
    “I can only assume she told you that.” He would have to be careful of the odd relationship between Miss Ripon and Ruby.
    “Yes, she sent a note asking my advice.”
    “She seems to be asking for it quite often.”
    “And you are surprised?” It was Ruby’s turn to raise a brow.
    “It merely seems a trifle odd.”
    Ruby laughed. “Far less odd than you would think. I have learned that the ladies of society are always looking for intimate information and are sorely lacking in sources. You’d be surprised how many seek me out.”
    “But an innocent young lady like Miss Ripon?”
    “I would admit that is less usual, but not without precedent. I do my best to fill a need for knowledge that our world seems unwilling to provide.” She leaned back, glancing at the oil lamp that cast a faint glow through the small room.
    He waited a moment, but she remained silent, seeming lost in her own thoughts.
    “You called me in here, Ruby. Surely you have more to say than to point out that which you already know.”
    Ruby focused her blue eyes upon him again. “Yes, I do. I understand you have also invited Lord Granderson to join you this evening.”
    How did she know that? “And?” He had no desire to explain his plans for the evening to Ruby. He was quite sure she would not approve.
    “It is not to your normal taste. I know you have sometimes…worked with him in the past, but do you think it wise in this case?”
    “I think it is what I want, and Miss Ripon told me that she was willing to do anything I wished, that she wanted to do whatever I liked. And I believe it was upon your advice. Will you change that advice to her now? I am sure if you talked to her and told her the full truth, you would have her running to the hills. Don’t act as if I am luring her to her doom; it was you, not I, who started this. I have never deliberately sought to ruin a woman in my life.”
    Ruby studied him carefully. “You sound almost as if you want me to advise her to run. I would have thought you’d be delighted to have such a pretty girl at your beck and call. And I have advised her of far more of your tastes than you might believe. She seemed more curious than frightened.”
    “Then why question Lord Granderson?”
    “It simply seems a bit much, a bit fast. There is a great distance between having her show you her breasts and introducing another man to share in the fun. And there is the question of his discretion—although I admit I’ve never known Granderson to spread a rumor. It is almost as if you wish to scare her off. Oh my, that is your plan, isn’t it? You want her to refuse, to leave. You are trying to push her further than she will go.”
    “Why would I want that? She is pretty and willing. Why would I wish to scare her away?”
    Ruby only smiled. “I thought about stopping this, but I think I will leave you to your game. It will be interesting to see which of you backs down first. I do hope you have been honest with Granderson about what you truly desire. It could get messy otherwise.”
    “I do not know what you mean, but I am always honest.” Why did he constantly feel that Ruby was one step ahead of him?

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