Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four)

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Book: Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four) by Stormy McKnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy McKnight
as much as you know.”
    “Leave it Amber.” Jen said when she saw Gwen’s face. “Like Cat said. Let
her have her secrets.” Knowing her friend as well as she did, Jen used the only
thing she knew of that would distract Amber. “Besides after this visit with
Mairi you were going to let us sneak a peek at Tabec and her babies weren’t
    Amber grudgingly let the matter drop, “I did say that didn’t I?” She
resumed her cheery expression, “The babies are so cute! The little male is a
replica of Cebat. The little female is the cutest brindle I have ever seen.
They are so much smaller than Cebat and Tabec but still considerably larger
than any “puppy” or “kitten” from Earth. It is hard to believe that they are
only a day old. I have had full grown pets that were smaller than they are!”
Gwen had to smile at the description of the sacath babies. She could imagine
the newborns size was in proportion to the parents, she just couldn’t wait to
see them for herself.
    “Are we all heading over then?” Gwen asked. “Mairi you and the girls can
be released since you are in perfect health.” At her words Mairi perked up and
Gwen knew she would choose to leave the medical dome.
    “We can see the sacaths really fast and then go to our dome.” Mairi swung
her legs off the medical bed, which instantly got the attention of Knollig.
    “Mairi?”   He questioned from his
place among the men.
    “We have been released to go home Knollig.” Mairi beamed at him. “I want
to stop by and see the sacath, then we can get the girls settled in our dome.”
    Gwen moved out of the way as Knollig brushed past her, “I will just get
the stroller ready for the girls then.” Knollig bundled some blankets, and then
bundled some more until there was only one small spot in the middle for the
baby. Then he did it again in the other side of the dual stroller, until with a
satisfied smile he stepped back. “There that should do it.”
    Knaleg snorted with laughter, “Are you expecting to be in a bumper
stroller contest or a collision?” He teased his brother, “That is enough
padding to withstand re-entry from space.”
    Knollig just shrugged it off, “I want them to be comfortable.” He took
Celeste and settled her into the blankets, then did the same with Chloe. Mairi
in the meantime had gone behind the curtained area to dress and returned when
finished to stand by her mate.
    Gwen did one last check on the area to make sure Mairi and Knollig hadn’t
forgotten anything, then followed the group out the doors. It was a pretty
short distance from the medical dome in New Haven to the residential domes.  
    “I will go see where Cebat and Tabec are hold on a second.” Amber snuck
into the house and after a few seconds Fortem and his mate came out. They had
been babysitting until Amber and Kniam got back. Kniam thanked the couple and
everyone exchanged pleasantries until Amber came back out.
    “Okay. The triplets are asleep in their bedroom, Cebat and Tabec are with
the cubs. Pups?” Amber paused, “Really Kniam what should we call the baby
    Kniam just smiled, “What would you like to call them?”
    “I don’t know that is the problem. A cub is like a lion...a puppy is like
a dog. A sacath reminds me of both of them.”
    “How about calling them cuppies?” Jen laughed.
    “I thought maybe sacittens, or pupcath.” Gwen called out.
    The females Gwen noted were having a great time calling out suggestions,
the males just looked at each other like the women had lost their minds.
    “I think sacathies...what do you guys think?” Amber looked over the
    It was agreed upon, the newborn sacath would be known as sacathies.
    “So now that I know what to call them. It is safe to go in and sneak a
peek at the sacathies.” Amber led the way into their dome. All the damage Cebat
and Tabec had created in the living quarters had been repaired, so it was a
shock to see the courtyard.
    Kniam’s hammock area was

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