Caught Up (Indigo Vibe)

Free Caught Up (Indigo Vibe) by Deatri King-Bey

Book: Caught Up (Indigo Vibe) by Deatri King-Bey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deatri King-Bey
I’m Ernesto Bolívar’s little girl,” she added for sympathy points.
    He smoothed his mustache down a few times. “You win. But, you’re not to visit David Martín. I’ll tell you everything you want to know about him. I even have a few pictures at the house.”
    “Thank you.” She changed the subject before he made her promise to obey him. “Do you want to sleep here tonight? I’ll take the couch.”
    “Anna’s waiting up for me.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Do not disobey me on this, Rosa. He’s a dangerous man from a dangerous world. I don’t want you drawn in. Now that I think about it, I’m getting you security.”
    Her eyes shot wide open. “No way! You know I don’t do the security thing. I don’t want bodyguards following me all over the place like puppy dogs.”
    “These aren’t bullies from the school yard, Rosa. You need around-the-clock protection. I’ll make arrangements first thing in the morning.”
    She folded her arms over her chest. “No disrespect, Daddy, but I refuse to be spied on.”
    “They aren’t there to spy, but to protect you. I don’t care what you say; you’re getting protection.”
    “If I even think someone is following me, I’ll call the cops on them. That includes your security service.”
    He heaved a long, drawn-out sigh. “I can’t leave you unprotected.”
    “Let’s be realistic here. Their protection couldn’t stop a sniper or a bomb. I don’t need to draw more attention to myself. I haven’t had security since I went to college, and I never want it again. I’m not giving up my freedom. I’m sorry, but end of discussion.”
    * * *
    After Ernesto’s visit, she hadn’t slept well, and her nerves were shot. Guilt for going behind Ernesto’s back nipped at her heels, but she had to do this. Grumbling, Rosa sorted through the few outfits she’d brought to Miami with her. She tapped her rabbit-slippered foot on the floor as she stared at the bright and bold contents of the closet. She made due with a black pantsuit and a firebrick red shell.
    Her day would be full. She had to visit the work site she’d told Ernesto about, then catch the helicopter that she’d chartered to the prison’s city. She padded across the carpeted floor of the suite to her journal and ink pen. Lately, her journal had become her sole confidante.
    Be careful what you pray for. I wanted Daddy to recognize me as a grown-up. I longed to prove myself. She steadied her trembling hand. Now, here I stand, wanting Daddy to hold my hand while I meet my biological father. I want him to protect me as he always has. I want him to be my anchor.
    I feel like I’m working through some sort of rite of passage. She prayed silently . I can make it through this test. We’ll all make it.

    The ride from the helipad to the prison wasn’t long enough. Rosa wanted more time to prepare emotionally. She paid the taxi driver, and then walked toward the crowd. Supporters and anti-death penalty factions yelled across an ocean of police at each other. She saw a few reporters swimming about like sharks, and others who she couldn’t identify.
    Her pace slowed. She wasn’t as sure of herself as she had been when she’d stood up to Ernesto. The closest to a prison that she’d come was seeing reruns of the HBO jailhouse series Oz .
    She bumped into a woman holding a toddler. “I’m sorry.” She smiled at the little, curly haired girl. “You have a beautiful daughter.”
    “Thank you,” said the young woman. “We’re here to see Daddy. Aren’t we, Julie?” The little girl nodded, but she didn’t look happy.
    Rosa could identify with the child. She was also there to see her “Daddy,” and she wasn’t too happy about it either. A chill went down her spine as her gaze traveled from the double fence, to the barbed wire, to the guard towers. Her blood had earned his place on the wrong side of the double fence. Her blood had given her away. Her blood. She worked her way through

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