Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four)

Free Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four) by Stormy McKnight

Book: Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four) by Stormy McKnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy McKnight
conversation shifted, as always to matters of the community. They talked again
about safety, shielding, weapons and different matters of state. He noticed the
females were also talking, he supposed about the same things.

Chapter Fourteen
    “So spill the beans.” Amber whispered to Gwen. “We
can see the sparks flying between you and Kneus.”
    Gwen was holding Chloe while Mairi fed Celeste so she was able to have an
excuse to keep her eyes averted from the questioning looks of the others. “I
don’t know what you mean.” She swore.
    “Yes you do. Stop playing coy and hiding behind a baby.” Catherine
laughed, “We are supposed to be telling each other all of the odd things we
notice about Kneus. I am noticing he is making goo-goo eyes at you!”
    Gwen’s head shot up at that, “He is not!” She choked back a laugh,
“Goo-goo eyes Cat? My God are we in high school again?”
    “Well if this was high school Gwen would be under the bleachers with
Kneus!” Jen insisted.
    “Under the bleachers Jen? What do you know about what goes on under the
bleachers?” At Jens faux innocent look Amber yelled, “I knew it...”
    “Shhh!” Gwen hissed then whispered, “Keep it down.” Looking pointedly
over her shoulders at the conferencing males.
    “We are going to get you to talk Gwen.” Catherine raised her voice to get
their attention. “What is going on with Kneus?”
    “Nothing.” At their looks of disbelief she hurried to add, “Okay. He
kissed me that is all.” She was torn about telling them about his nightmares,
but he had made her promise not to tell. She would only break that promise if
it became absolutely necessary to do so.
    “That is all? If he was able to break himself away from a computer
console long enough to kiss you, then that says everything!” Amber smiled
    Gwen felt her heart jump at the thought that it might mean that much for
Kneus to have kissed her. Then she mentally slapped herself back to reality. It
was just kissing for crying out loud. She was an adult and had played the game
enough to know that kissing didn’t mean that much.
    “Kneus hasn’t shown an interest in anyone else that I have ever seen.”
Jen pointed out. “Though to be fair he did stay behind on Earth all those
months, maybe he is just behind the others in dating around.”
    “There is also his workaholic nature.” Catherine agreed. “I didn’t think
it was possible, but he is even more driven then Knaleg. If he has noticed you
Gwen it means something.”
    She sighed. She didn’t know the extent of her feelings for Kneus and
would like their relationship to progress without being under constant
scrutiny, even though she knew that wasn’t going to happen. On Earth people
dated all the time, had sex and went about their business. Here on Terraneu
relationships and their resulting status was everyone’s business. There was too
much at stake for couples to commit to staying together and having offspring
that any pair who chose mate status was under the microscope as it were. A
relationship with Kneus would be even more so because they were both council
    “There isn’t anything more to tell besides one kiss. I will keep everyone
updated on things I find out from Kneus about his nightmares.” She hoped they
forgave her this tiny lie if it came to light she wasn’t telling them
everything. When she saw that they were all looking skeptical she smiled innocently,
“Honestly. Would I lie to you?”
    “Yes.” They all answered together.
    “Well that hurts, it really does.” Gwen laughed, “That you think so
little of me...”
    “Okay we get it.” Catherine’s lips were twitching, “Keep your secrets if
you must, and just know that we are here if you need anything.”
    “Thank you Cat.” Gwen knew her friends were just looking out for her,
“All joking aside I will tell you as much as I can.”
    “There it is.” Amber jumped on her statement, “You said, ‘as much as I
can’ not

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