Grave Destinations

Free Grave Destinations by Lori Sjoberg

Book: Grave Destinations by Lori Sjoberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Sjoberg
    “There she is!” The door flew open as the blonde burst back into the ladies room, closely followed by what appeared to be a bouncer and two members of the waitstaff. Behind them was the ship’s doctor, a stocky, middle-aged black man carrying a portable defibrillator and a small brown medical bag.
    And Jack.
    His eyes met Ruby’s, his expression filled with such sympathy she had to look away.
    “I need you all to stay back,” the doctor ordered as he sank down by Angie’s side. He placed the defibrillator beside the girl’s body and began checking her vitals. Wrist. Neck. No pulse. No response. The blonde began to sob while the tiny room buzzed with unchecked speculation. Then Angie’s father stormed through the open doorway and all hell broke loose.
    Ruby took the opportunity to fade into the background, to slip through the crowded bar and disappear before anyone started asking questions she preferred not to answer.
    Needing fresh air, she headed straight for the nearest exit. With most passengers enjoying the indoor nighttime festivities, the outer decks were fairly deserted. The ocean breeze blew cool and humid, a welcome change from the stench of fresh mortality. Ruby closed her eyes as she leaned against the rail, desperate to clear her head and regain some sense of inner balance.
    She could still feel the girl’s soul, struggling to acclimate to its change in condition. Disbelief. Anger. Sadness and despair. The emotions ran fast and strong, taking Ruby on a vicarious roller-coaster ride through the teenage psyche.
    After so many years, it still hadn’t gotten any easier to bear. To witness death, to relive it through the memories of the soul. To experience their grief, pain, and suffering. Each one left an indelible mark on her spirit, a tattoo on her soul that could never be erased.
    “There you are.”
    She’d sensed his presence a split second before he spoke. Part of her was pleased, but she was too tired and emotionally drained to muster much in the way of enthusiasm. She opened her eyes but kept her focus on the dark waters below, preferring to stare at the ocean she so despised rather than face the emotions she feared. “Please, Jack. I apologize, but I’m really not in the mood for company.”
    “I can imagine.” Undeterred, Jack moved closer. He held out a tall orange drink with a wedge of pineapple stuck on the side. “After what you just went though, I thought you could use a little something.”
    “Thank you.” As a rule, she never accepted drinks from strangers. But after last night she no longer thought of Jack in that capacity. She liked him. Wanted him. A tiny part of her trusted him, and the knowledge knocked her even further off balance. Without another word she sipped from the straw, her taste buds barely registering the sweet infusion of fruit and alcohol.
    “It’s taken me a while to figure you out,” Jack said, his tone conversational as he braced his forearms against the smooth wooden rail. He stood close now, so close she could smell the rich, musky fragrance of his aftershave. She took a deep breath and his scent filled her lungs, but she refused to acknowledge the fact that it soothed her weary soul. “It’s been driving me crazy. Ever since I met you, I knew you were something special.”
    Ruby slanted a glance in Jack’s direction. If this turned into some cheesy pickup line, she was dumping the drink over his head. “Oh, you think?”
    “I know.” He reached over, twining his fingers with hers. His grip was loose yet managed to convey a silent strength she found reassuring. “At first, I thought you might be a witch. Or a faerie.”
    A reluctant smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t ride a broom and I’m not packing wings.”
    “Good to know.” His thumb gently glided over the back of her hand, the subtle display of affection making her heart beat a little faster than normal. He leaned closer, his

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