The Ghost Files 2 (The Ghost Files - Book 2)

Free The Ghost Files 2 (The Ghost Files - Book 2) by Apryl Baker

Book: The Ghost Files 2 (The Ghost Files - Book 2) by Apryl Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Apryl Baker
defend myself.
    I have seriously got to stop letting my emotions dictate my actions. If I hadn’t run from Dan and Meg and my own hurt feelings, I wouldn’t be in this situation right now. I could have been sitting home with Mary, eating a tub of ice cream and watching sappy movies. She’d have loved it and I would have been miserable, but at least I would have been safe. I don’t feel so safe right now.
    This house makes me nervous and edgy. I feel like I’m being watched and the house itself is riddled with ghosts. Most seem afraid as none of them have shown themselves to me except for the one on the porch, but I can feel them all. Some are afraid, some feel lonely, but there are just as many that are angry and want to lash out. It’s those I’m worried about as I know firsthand that ghosts can cause a person serious harm when they want to.
    More than anything, though, I’m worried about the ghost I’d seen earlier, the one who’d wanted me in this house. I don’t know why he did, but it can’t be a good thing. That ghost isn’t interested in crossing over. He wants something from me and I can bet its not something I’m willing to give.
    I stub my toe against something hard and hop around on one foot for second. Where’s the danged light switch? My hand finds the wall and I make my way slowly towards the sliver of light I see under what I’m assuming is the door. Man, I need to pee. A hand grabs me just as I reach the doorknob and hauls me backwards. Something like electricity shoots through me when his fingers wrap around my arm. Reacting on instinct, I go limp and the hand loosens enough for me to turn and kick as hard as I can. I’m pretty sure I connected with his leg, but it’s not enough for him to let me go. My eyes are finally adjusting to the darkness and I can make out the basic outline of his shape. He’s much bigger than me, which means I have to play smart here. My hands are pretty useless since the attack, so I have to rely on my feet. I twist and try to land another blow, aiming for what I hope is his knees.
    He jerks backward, narrowly avoiding my foot, but then he yanks me against him and in trying to get away, we both end up falling on the floor. After a few rolls, I’m pinned to the floor and seething mad.
    “Will you stop?” he hisses, his face close to mine.
    Instead of answering, I do exactly what I was taught to do. I head butt him as hard as I can. Pain explodes in my own head, but he loosens his grip enough for me to throw him off and jump on his back. I grab a fistful of his hair and slam his face against the floor several times. He’s cussing up a storm all the while. I grab his forearm and force it behind his back and up, exerting just the right amount of pressure. If he moves, he’ll snap his arm.
    The door slams open and light floods the room. I don’t glance back. Even the slightest hesitation on my part could cause me to loosen my grip enough for him to get away.
    “Mattie, what are you doing?” Doctor Olivet asks, his voice incredulous.
    “This guy attacked me,” I say and pull on his arm just a little harder.
    “Eli attacked you?” Caleb comes into my line of sight.
    “No, I did NOT attack her,” the guy beneath me snarls. “I was trying to help her.”
    “You were not! You grabbed my arm and…”
    “And nothing,” he growls. “I was trying to get your attention so you didn’t kill yourself in the dark.”
    “Then you should have said something instead of grabbing me!”
    “As funny as this all is, Mattie, do you think you could let my son up before you break his arm?”
    I know that voice. I remembered it from before. He was the one who was trying to help me. Caleb’s dad?
    Caleb reaches a hand down to me and I take it, releasing my hold on his brother’s arm and let Caleb pull me up. Eli slowly gets to his feet and settles gorgeous aqua eyes on me. They are spitting mad. My breath catches a little when I take in his face. Good lord,

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