A Friendly Engagement

Free A Friendly Engagement by Christine Warner

Book: A Friendly Engagement by Christine Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Warner
senior planner, he sat beside Vanessa and would act as her mentor until she was acclimated to her new position.
    Omar held up his hand to quiet the sudden burst of excitement. Since he’d started the profit-sharing program, P&Ls were always a hot topic. “Not yet. They’ll be shared at the end of the quarter as usual. But my first announcement could have a huge impact on future P&Ls. And the second is more personal.”
    Another round of hushed conversations filled the room.
    “This is so exciting.” Vanessa placed her cup on the table beside her and quieted her knee with both her hands.
    “Definitely.” Omar smiled when Vanessa clapped her hands and then ran them down the thigh of her slacks when nobody else followed her lead.
    “You can save your applause for afterward,” Devi teased.
    The room erupted in chuckles and bursts of laughter. Although Vanessa turned a couple shades of red, she had no trouble in sharing the humor. Omar enjoyed the excitement of his staff, but he’d never been applauded at a meeting before. Usually staff treated him formally, but today everyone had an aura of fun about them. They must sense big news was about to be revealed.
    “Good news is always welcome.” Nancy, the receptionist who’d been with the company from day one took a practical stance. She’d become the office mother, bringing in homemade cookies and cakes to celebrate, and always available with a non-judgmental ear and words of encouragement for any staff member having trouble.
    Devi looked at him expectantly.
    “First, Devi and I will be out of the office all next week. We’re meeting with a prospective client, and I hope to return with his business. I won’t go into details, but if we acquire this account it will have a big effect on Esterly Financial’s future.”
    A few rumbles of excitement filled the air.
    Omar held up his hands and the room fell silent. “You can reach us by cell, but only in an emergency. Doug should be able to handle the day to day. Clear?” He surveyed the area and all the nodding heads. He met Doug’s gaze over the sea of faces and acknowledged him with a nod. Even though Doug had only been with the company a handful of years, Omar trusted him almost as much as he did Devi.
    She fidgeted beside him, twisting her pen between her fingers. The soft clicking had increased to an insane tempo.
    “Like I mentioned a minute ago, the next bit of news is on a more personal level. Since everyone was in training classes for the new computer system, you probably haven’t seen the announcement in the press,” Omar said.
    “Just get on with it, Omar.” Devi rolled her eyes and earned a few chuckles.
    He shook his head. Although he didn’t spar with Devi in public often, preferring to keep their teasing private, he threw caution to the wind. “Maybe it isn’t so much a career in basketball you should be after, but taking your comedic act on the road?”
    “Good idea. I could probably book a few dates before you finish up this meeting.” Devi’s bright eyes twinkled with mischief, and she let up on the incessant pen clicking.
    Omar liked the approval in her gaze. She always encouraged him to step outside his comfort zone, and he’d just done it by showing some of his humor in front of the rest of the staff.
    They shared a smile, and his mood lightened further.
    He’d forever be indebted to Devi for what she’d done—hell, what she was doing. Even though she seemed fine with their plan now, he knew she’d done some soul-searching. The fib made her uncomfortable, no matter how much reassurance he gave her.
    He glanced around the room, taking in the anxious and excited expressions of his staff. For the first time he understood where her hesitation had come from. His conscience grabbed hold of his neck and squeezed. For a minute he fought to breathe. Even though he was aloof, his employees were close—family-like. He’d never been anything but up-front with them in the past.
    But this

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