Beach Boys

Free Beach Boys by S, #232, phera Gir, #243, n

Book: Beach Boys by S, #232, phera Gir, #243, n Read Free Book Online
Authors: S, #232, phera Gir, #243, n
heart could have sweated out both delight and gratitude, it would have. As it was, words failed him as he sighed in time with Chaun’s hand strokes.
    As Chaun jerked him off, he began to rock back and forth inside him, his movements short and constrained. Still, Dylan could hear him pant out his pleasure against his back.
    “Uhn. Dylan. Dylan. Uhn.”
    Each stroke wrenched a new cry from Chaun’s lips, tuning Dylan on even more. His cock strained to hold back the torrent this orgasm promised to be as Chaun’s hand expertly kneaded it to the point of bliss. Now he knew why Chaun had blown him off earlier. He’d have already come by now. The sensation of Chaun’s cock inside his ass was too much for him to ignore.
    “Please. Please, Chaun. Fuck me harder. Fuck me harder.”
    Chaun cried out and peeled his body off Dylan’s back. He gripped Dylan’s hip with one hand and thrust harder, faster, as though possessed by the need to come inside Dylan at any cost. At the same time, he continued to scoop his hand up and down Dylan’s shaft, matching the pace of attack in the back.
    Dylan came first, his rapture too much to hold back any longer. His ass melted in a wet hot bliss as it quivered around Chaun’s shaft, the rim closing fast around the base of it. At the same time, burst after burst of hot liquid sprayed out the end of his cock and onto Chaun’s fingers as his body rippled with pleasure. He’d never felt such bliss before. Never been so satisfied before, by any of his lovers, as he was right now by Chaun.
    Chaun’s release started as Dylan’s subsided, his roar echoing into the jungle as eerie as a wild animal’s ferocious call. He released Dylan’s cock and wrapped a clawlike grasp onto his hips as he bore into his ass with insistent fury. Again and again, Dylan’s name tore from his lips,until at last he bent forward again and laid his heaving chest on his lover’s back. He stayed there for some time as he caught his breath.
    To Dylan, nothing was so beautiful as Chaun’s hot breath scorching his already sweaty back while his cock still nestled inside him. When Chaun wrapped his arms around Dylan’s chest and kissed the back of his neck, the gentleness of his kisses flooded his heart with devotion.
    “Dylan, I love you,” Chaun told him. “I’ll never hurt you. Just please, let me stay with you.”
    Was he fucking kidding? Dylan was more than ready to buy a one-way ticket to Chaun-ville for the foreseeable future. And when Chaun hugged his back to his chest and pulled him up, the skin-on-skin full-body contact hardened Dylan again.
    Chaun reached around and caressed Dylan’s nipple with one hand, letting his fingertips brush their buds until they peaked. With his other hand, he cupped Dylan’s balls. At the same time, he bit and licked Dylan’s neck, murmuring his affections to him non-stop making Dylan’s head spin as he reached back and tugged Chaun’s ass closer.
    “Take me back to the hotel,” he whispered.
    At his request, Chaun pulled out and slid the condom off into the sand. Then he stepped to Dylan’s side, wrapping one arm around his waist and cradling Dylan’s head on his shoulder with the other. Now his lips brushed against Dylan’s cheek as he walked him back towards the hotel, cutting through the jungle until they had to step out of the shadows and enter the hotel’s sliding glass doors.
    Once up in their room, the fondling resumed, withy Dylan petting Chaun just as heavy in return as he got it. They made love again in the moonlight, this time Dylan entering Chaun withrenewed reverence for the act of making love. Then they kissed until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
    * * * *
    The next morning, Chaun brought steaming cups of coffee back to bed and crawled back under the sheet. He watched Dylan with sleepy but contented eyes. Still, he had to hear from Dylan’s mouth the words that confirmed what he’d suspected last night.

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