
Free Fraternizing by C.C. Brown

Book: Fraternizing by C.C. Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.C. Brown
wanted to make his presence known. I had no clue he was there until he
walked over, using his burly voice that reminded me of pure and unadulterated
sex, to bark out orders that he knew he had no business giving. The sight of
him did things to my body that felt foreign to me. How I couldn't contain my
excitement whenever he came near was baffling. I was never that girl-- the one who lost
her bearings at the mere sight of a good looking guy. But
Sgt. Cruz was so much more than just good-looking. He oozed sex appeal and
confidence, and his disposition was weakening me with every encounter.
    I was usually
much more in control than what I'd been showing, but somehow, whenever he got
near me, everything I ever knew washed away, leaving me stupefied.
    Even with his
abrupt exit his presence lingered, making me wholly uncomfortable and unable to
concentrate. The frequent questions from Dalton, and the incessant stares from
Jensen and Castillo, had me on pins and needles. Dalton had no clue what was
going on, and I was hoping to keep it that way. Jensen and Castillo knew and
were in a position to make things very difficult for me if I tried to act on
it.   It was a delicate balancing act
that I was faltering with.
    As much as I
wanted to believe that we could be mature adults about what had happened, there
was much more to this that was clouding that prospect. For starters, the
feelings involved, whether simple attraction or lust, were consuming me. It was
on my mind from the moment that I woke in the morning until I went to bed at
night, and having to see and interact with him throughout the day was driving
me crazy.
    So many times as
I sat in my seat trying hard to focus on the lesson for the day, my mind would
wander off and thoughts of those large hands grabbing and groping my body,
lifting me and tossing me down on the bed while raking over every inch of me,
would crash into my mind, diverting my attention and sending my clit into a
violent, throbbing mess. It always seemed that just after coming back from my
daydream I'd find Sgt. Cruz's eyes glued to me, almost as if he knew or felt
exactly what it was that I was seeing and feeling. A few times I caught him
wiping his brow, indicating that some lustrous thought had been rummaging
through his mind as well.
    My frequent
bathroom breaks had nothing to do with actually needing to use the bathroom,
but more so to catch my breath, wipe my sweat away, and soothe the ache
building within me, yearning for a release that never truly came because I
still hadn't had the remedy to dispose of it. No matter how difficult I thought
it would be to turn my thoughts and my libido away from Sgt. Cruz, I was finding
the actual act of trying to forget about him ten times more difficult. It was
slow torture, like someone taking you to the brink of an earth shattering
orgasm and then abruptly pulling away, leaving you to try and obtain a feat
that you knew would never come. The frustration within me was beginning to
build, and I was running out of ways to quell it.
    Thursday evening
came and with it came our first official Field Day, or the detailed cleaning of
our barracks rooms with an instructor inspection to follow.   Angelica and I did a meticulous job of
cleaning and making sure that nothing was out of place.
    We stood at the
entrance of our room, still in uniform, nervous as shit that something was
going to be out of place and that we would fail, probably furthering the strife
already festering between us.
    Sgts. Newsome
and Jensen walked up, looking like two angry pit bulls ready to attack on
command. They stopped at the door, greeting both Angelica and me, before
removing their covers and walking into the room, scouring every inch of it. My
breath caught as nerves settled within me.   I thought Sgt. Cruz's absence would quell
the nervous flutters inside of me, but it did quite the opposite-- it
intensified them. I knew he was around, I just didn't know where or when he
would pop up, and

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