Reclaiming Angelica
warning Angelica received.
    He locked his canines into the tender spot between her
shoulder and neck and let loose, taking her like the animal he was. It was
hard, fast, and brutal, and went on and on and on. Angelica screamed. She
cried, but mostly she came, over and over again.
    Raul’s cock swelled to even larger proportions, stretching
her to the maximum, right before he stiffened in climax. His hips jerked with
each pulse of release. He’d penetrated her to the hilt and must have hit a
sweet spot because the reflexive movements of his cock against it set her off
in another orgasm. This one the longest yet.
    When Angelica came back to awareness, Raul had rolled them
to the side. He lay curled around her, his penis still erect and deeply
embedded. He stroked her breasts, hips, and thighs, petting her while he
murmured, “Mine. Finally mine,” over and over like he couldn’t believe it.
    Soothed and exhausted, Angelica drifted into a contented

Chapter Seven
    The silky glide of Raul’s penis leaving her inner depths
woke Angelica out of her light doze, and she rolled to face him. Raul caught
her close, nuzzling his face in her neck. “I love you, baby. You have no idea
how much. Please don’t ever leave me again.”
    “I won’t,” she promised, cupping the back of his head. “I
only did it to get your attention. I was tired of the secrets between us.”
    He lifted his head to look at her. “Why can’t I sense that
you’re a vampire? Normally I can smell them.”
    “My mother is human. The vampire gene is recessive in me.
I’m a little faster than the average human, a little stronger, and occasionally
need blood, but mostly I read as human.”
    He mulled that over. “That explains it, I guess. How often
is occasionally? I never noticed you feeding.”
    “Once or twice a week. Less if I feed really well. Besides,
you’re gone a lot. It was easy to hide. All I had to do was wait for you to
leave,” she admitted.
    He winced. Yes, he had spent a lot of time away from her in
an attempt to hide what he was, and all along she’d known. What a waste. That
brought up another issue. “If you knew all along I wasn’t human, why didn’t you
tell me you weren’t either?”
    “Why did you freak out so bad earlier?”
    Raul instinctively tensed at the reminder of his earlier
behavior. No more secrets, he reminded himself. “I was afraid if you knew what
I was, you’d leave me, and I couldn’t risk losing you. You’re my mate. I love
you too much. It would destroy me to lose you.” He thought of his father’s
    Your uncle lost his
mate, and he’s still here , his wolf reminded him.
    The thought made him pause. While Uncle Joey definitely
mourned the loss of his mate, he didn’t seem suicidal. Maybe the loss of a mate
didn’t automatically mean the death of the survivor. It took balls to deal with
that sort of pain and still keep going. He was beginning to understand why
Uncle Max had called Poppa a coward. Poppa hadn’t gone after Momma and brought
her home where she belonged, even though he had obviously known where she was.
And he hadn’t loved his son enough to stick around.
    Angelica tapped him lightly on the jaw to get his attention.
“I love you. Knowing the truth wouldn’t have changed that.”
    “Yes it would.” He told her about his parents and what
happened to his family when he was a child. As he finished, Raul shook his
head. “Humans fear us. You can’t love what you fear.”
    “I’m not human,” Angelica reminded him.
    He narrowed his eyes. “But I didn’t know that, did I?”
    Angelica dropped her gaze to his chest. “I was afraid to
tell you. Vampires and shifters don’t have the best relationship under normal
circumstances. I couldn’t be sure how you’d react.”
    He lifted her chin with his forefinger. “As long as you love
me, I don’t give a damn about you being half vamp.”
    “I’m glad.” She smiled, and her eyes glimmered with the
sheen of

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