Reclaiming Angelica
tossed over his shoulder like a
sack of grain. She grabbed for purchase as he bounded up the stairs and into
the apartment, down the hall to their bedroom where he flipped her onto the
bed. Angelica bounced twice before coming to a halt in a sprawl.
    She rose warily to her elbows, waiting to see what he’d do
next. Raul’s wolf was in his eyes, and she had a feeling if she’d made even the
slightest attempt to get off the bed, he’d pounce. She didn’t mind playing tag
with this wolf when she was the one in control, but not when he was being so
utterly unpredictable.
    Hands on his hips, his stance aggressive, he snarled,
“You’re a vamp .” He emphasized the
word vamp like it was a curse.
    “Yeah, and you’re a wolf. You don’t see me getting all pissy
about it,” she retorted. Okay, so maybe she simply wasn’t the cautious sort.
    Raul went still in the way she’d seen really old vampires
do. He didn’t even appear to be breathing. Then several emotions crossed his
face too fast for her to read. She’d lowered her shields but couldn’t get a
sense of them. They were strong but too fleeting for her to get a lock on.
    He cocked his head to the side, and if he’d been in his
four-legged furry form, she knew his ears would be tilted forward. “You know
what I am.”
    She swallowed, not sure where this was leading. “Yes.”
    “For how long?”
    Once again, the need to be cautious kicked her in the teeth.
She cleared her throat before saying, “Since the first day we met in person?”
Despite her intention to sound confident, her voice rose at the end, turning
her statement into a question.
    Angelica really didn’t like the way Raul was looking at her.
She also didn’t like feeling like prey. The predator in him was out and in full
    Still watching her with those narrowed, wolfish eyes, he
whipped his T-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor. Next he toed
off his shoes, shoved down his jeans, and stepped out of them. He wasn’t
wearing underwear.
    Angelica jerked her gaze from his fully engorged cock to his
determined face, hers heating in embarrassment at being caught staring. “Um,
don’t you think we need to talk?”
    “After.” Raul’s hands hung loose but ready by his sides.
    “After what?” she absently parroted, her gaze once more
straying to his massive erection. Raul slowly stroked it from base to head. It
wasn’t that she’d never seen him nude before. She had. She’d simply never
noticed him being so…large. Raul wasn’t a small man, not one bit of him. But
this was different, as if his cock had partially shifted and was now the size
it would be in his half form.
    “After I fuck you the way I’ve wanted to since the moment I
first saw you.”
    Her gaze snapped back to his. As far as intentions went, it
didn’t get any clearer. Angelica felt her pussy cream, and she licked her lips
in anticipation.
    Raul was a wonderful, considerate lover. The best any woman
could ask for. Any human woman, that is. But Angelica was also vampire, and
there was a level of…roughness, she craved that he hadn’t provided—until now.
    Angelica’s fangs dropped into position. “It’s about damn
time, wolf. Do you know how long I’ve waited to get my…teeth”—she licked the
tip of one point—“into you?”
    Raul’s stance became rigid, like he was holding himself back
with the thinnest of control. “You fed from that man tonight, and he came.”
    Angelica gave a dainty little shrug. “My bite is orgasmic.”
    “From now on, you feed only from me.”
    She let her gaze trail slowly down his body, then lifted her
knees and planted her feet on the bedspread. Arching her hips, she brought his
attention to the minuscule bit of lace covering her sex by running the tip of
her finger along the crotch. “Are you sure about that? You know we like to fuck
while we feed,” she taunted. “I might get…carried away and”—she licked her
lips—“devour you

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