Moonlight Dancer

Free Moonlight Dancer by Mona Ingram

Book: Moonlight Dancer by Mona Ingram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Ingram
kidding? I’d be happy to help.” Charlie could hardly wait to spend a few hours alone in the place where Charlotte had fallen in love.
    “Well, that’s settled them. Come on, I want to show you my herb garden.”
    * * *
    Charlie hung the last of the lemon balm and breathed in the citrusy scent. “This is so much nicer than anything that comes out of a bottle.” She laughed self-consciously. “I probably wouldn’t have said that a week ago, but it’s true.”
    Janelle steadied the ladder while Charlie climbed down. The air in the barn was heady with the scent of lemon balm and lavender. “All perfumes start with something from nature. Even the ones that end up with no natural ingredients started out by copying something from nature.”
    Charlie stuck her nose in a bunch of lavender and inhaled. “I suppose so. You know, since I came here I keep realizing there’s a lot of stuff I don’t know.”
    “Really? You mean you don’t know everything? Shame on you.”
    “You know what I mean.”
    “I do.” Janelle surveyed the hanging herbs. “But think for a moment. When I go to the city, not only do I have trouble finding my way around, I practically lay a trail of breadcrumbs behind me when I go into one of those big malls. I’m terrified of getting lost.”
    “In a mall?” Charlie’s voice rose in disbelief.
    “I kid you not.” She touched her braid. “In the city I’m completely out of my element. Frankly, I don’t care for it, but that’s not the point. There are things you learn automatically living in the country that you don’t need to know to survive in the city. And vice versa.”
    “Like the stars. Jason explained to me why the stars are so much brighter here. Or at least they appear to be.”
    “Exactly!” Janelle glanced at the remaining bunch of lavender. “Are you going to tuck that in your dresser drawers?”
    “Actually, I thought I’d take it up to the attic. It’s a bit stuffy up there and the window won’t open.”
    * * *
    Charlie paused in front of Charlotte’s portrait, seeing the young woman with fresh eyes. In spite of what Janelle said, she simply didn’t know how she would have acted in Charlotte’s place. But then, she’d never felt the kind of love that lurked behind those dark eyes…an abiding love that was so strong it permeated everything Charlotte Freeman had ever touched. Charlie could almost reach out and pluck it from the air.
    She ran up the narrow staircase and burst into the attic, clutching the bunch of lavender.
    The soft golden light wrapped around her like a comforting shawl. She knew why Charlotte had fled to this spot after receiving the dreadful news; there was solace here in this peaceful haven.
    Charlie headed toward what she was beginning to think of as ‘her’ corner and reached for the reading lamp beside the chair. With a start, she realized that the teapot was gone. The book of poetry lay on the table, undisturbed as far as she could tell. She willed herself to keep an open mind and turned to survey the rest of the cozy corner. Perched on top of one of the trunks, the small teapot gleamed dully. It had been on the table when she last saw it and she sank back in the easy chair, wondering what this new development signified.
    She looked down into her lap where she had inadvertently crushed one of the stalks of lavender. She reached for the teapot, filled it with lavender and returned it to the side table. A shaft of sunlight low on the horizon filled the room with diffused light, creating an atmosphere of peaceful serenity. She re-settled herself in the chair and picked up the book of poetry. It was well worn, and as she opened it, a faint scent of lavender wafted up from the pages. With a knowing smile on her lips, she began to read.
    * * *
    In spite of Janelle’s supportive words the previous night Charlie was unaccountably nervous about the upcoming dance lesson. Her aunt had spoken in glowing terms of Tyler Stewart. “He’s a

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