Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2)

Free Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2) by Anna Hackett

Book: Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2) by Anna Hackett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Hackett
touched her face.
    She nodded. “I’m fine. Thank you.”
    “Looked like you were doing okay on your own.” He grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. He looked back at the tower. “We need to get to the others. You need to stay quiet. I think there are more of them.”
    Her stomach cramped. More of them? “Who the hell are they?”
    Cal’s face hardened. “I have my suspicions.”
    She followed behind Cal as they circled the ruin. She wondered how the hell he could move so quietly. His steps were silent, while with every one of hers she heard the crunch of twigs and leaves under her boots.
    Suddenly, he stopped, and lifted his hand. She froze right behind him, her hand pressed against the cool rock of the tower. The sound of conversation carried to her ears.
    “What do you want?” It was Dr. Oakley’s strained voice.
    She heard the sound of someone being hit. Dr. Oakley let out a cry, and Dani heard Gemma’s sob.
    “I’m okay.” Dr. Oakley’s voice was more subdued now.
    Cal crouched and peered around the tower. Dani followed his movements.
    She stifled a gasp. Their team members were all on their knees and four men were standing nearby, all wearing black scarves over their faces. One man was emptying out everyone’s backpacks and their other bags.
    “Stay here.” Cal’s voice was a quiet whisper. He pulled his gun from his holster.
    Dani swallowed. “I can help you.”
    “No.” His voice brooked no argument. “I need you to stay here. That’s what will help me. I don’t need to worry about you.” His blue eyes flashed.
    “Four against one, Cal. That isn’t good odds.”
    “I’ve had worse.”
    “I can help.”
    “Dammit,” he bit out. “You are so stubborn.”
    “I won’t do anything stupid,” she promised.
    “Here.” He grabbed the machete off his belt and handed it to her. “Anyone comes your way, you swing it at them.”
    Dani hadn’t realized how heavy the damn thing was. She nodded.
    Then she watched as Cal’s face changed. The sexy, easygoing charm melted away. It left a hard, serious face that shouted “don’t fuck with me.”
    Cal suddenly cupped the back of her head and yanked her forward. The kiss was quick and hard. “Stay safe.” Then he turned and stalked toward the group.
    Dani followed behind, staying back and out of his way. If he needed help, she’d be ready.
    Cal didn’t rush and he didn’t look concerned. Before the attackers noticed him, Cal raised his weapon. Bam. Bam. Bam .
    Her eyes widened. With just three shots, three of the black-scarved men fell to the ground. They were all clutching their shoulders.
    Shouting and confusion erupted. The archeologists all sprung to their feet. Cal rushed forward and slammed the butt of his gun into the final attacker’s shocked face. The man tried to fight back, but a second later he was unconscious on the ground.
    Dani moved in now, too. She spotted one of the men Cal had shot fumbling for his weapon. She raced over and pressed the tip of the machete to the man’s neck. “I wouldn’t.”
    Angry, dark eyes glared up at her.
    She reached down, grabbed the handgun and tossed it away. She looked up and saw Cal checking the other men and divesting them of any weapons. He pulled some black zip ties from his pocket, and set about tying the men up.
    She blinked as she watched him. This was a man she didn’t know. This was the skilled, well-trained soldier. A man who’d risked his life to protect others.
    He stood, his gaze running over her before he looked at the archeologists. “Everyone okay? Anyone hurt?”
    They looked a little battered. Sam had an arm around a disheveled Gemma. Jean-Luc was helping Dr. Oakley to his feet.
    “Oakley?” Cal asked. “You took a punch.”
    The older archeologist waved a hand. “I’m fine. A little tender, that’s all.”
    “Everyone sure they’re okay?” Cal asked again.
    The team nodded.
    “The way you took those guys down…” Sam shook his

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