The Lady's Choice

Free The Lady's Choice by Bernadette Rowley

Book: The Lady's Choice by Bernadette Rowley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernadette Rowley
‘Best to focus on your wedding.’
    Benae glared at him, her gaze as dark and stormy as the seas at Wildecoast. ‘How can I think of gowns and weddings when the elven pestilence threatens?’
    â€˜Compose yourself, my dear,’ Jiseve snapped as he entered the room, ‘and leave the elven threat for me to deal with. We cannot have panic amongst the people. Our wedding will distract them from more serious concerns. We have a duty to see that life goes on.’
    Ramón took the moment to really observe the prince and his lady. They made a handsome couple, both dark-haired and attractive. Their children would be blessed in all ways. But would Benae be able to bow to the will of His Highness? Ramón did not think she could be as subtle a manipulator as it was said that Zialni’s previous wife was. No, with Benae it would all be up front. He could see many arguments looming. Was this to be the first?
    â€˜What is the news from the north, Jiseve?’ Benae asked, her hands clutched at her bosom. ‘What news from my estates?’
    â€˜As to your estates, I have heard nothing, but our distant farms have been plundered. I fear I must travel north and west as I did in my youth; see how I might finish the task I began twenty years ago. I will visit your people and check on my farmers.’
    â€˜No, Jiseve!’ Benae snapped. ‘You cannot risk yourself so.’
    â€˜Who else will go? Vorasava must stay here to defend Brightcastle. I am the only one who can do this chore. I will speak with your estate manager and he will send word to the King of Tylevia. The rider will vouch for the union between our kingdoms and we can open discussions about the dark elves. Perhaps I can take the opportunity to invite your king to our wedding, my dear?’
    Zialni reached for Benae and drew her against his chest. She looked the picture of an obedient wife but Ramón wasn’t fooled.
    â€˜Who will accompany me to Wildecoast if you are heading north, Jiseve? You said the trip must be soon.’ She gazed up at her husband-to-be and Ramón felt he was intruding on an intimate moment. They did seem fond of each other. Perhaps this union would be a happy one. Perhaps Benae was doing the right thing? But if the lady were set on a happy life with the prince why did she feel the need to reach out to him, Ramón?
    â€˜Ah, yes, the trip will go ahead and the squire shall accompany you, along with a small company of soldiers. We cannot be too careful.’
    Cold shock ran through Ramón.
That was insanity to the highest degree, for the prince to send his betrothed off to Wildecoast with another man. Ramón flicked a glance at. Benae. She did not look half as uncomfortable as he felt. What was this? A test? Or was the prince so certain of Benae’s love for him that he did not fear she would misbehave? After all, he had not known her long and if he knew what Ramón knew . . .
    â€˜How will that look, Your Highness?’ Ramón had never changed the prince’s mind before but he would try now.
    â€˜You will have a company of soldiers as chaperone, squire.’
    â€˜That might be so but Brightcastle can ill afford the soldiers. With the search parties out and you heading north, Vorasava will not have enough to defend the principality.’
    â€˜And that is the beauty of this plan. Most of the search parties will have returned by tomorrow or the next day at the latest, including the mercenaries I have hired. Brightcastle will be well defended.’
    â€˜You cannot postpone the search for Alecia.’
    â€˜You forget yourself, squire!’
    Ramón’s face heated. ‘There has to be another way, Your Highness. I will go to Tylevia and check on the lady’s estates and the dark elves. You know I am capable of it. And what of my mission to find Alecia? You are not only postponing it but pulling in most of the search parties. Have you given up

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