Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1)

Free Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1) by Leeah Taylor

Book: Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1) by Leeah Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leeah Taylor
mountain of strength to maintain his control as his body absently fed from the emotions and energy around him. Eventually though, he found a balance as they navigated through and he became more distracted listening to Becca.
    “So what do you do, William?” she asked, finally finding the courage to interlace her fingers with his.
    “Really wanna know?” He looked down at her and she nodded. “Stock market.”
    “Like you invest and stuff?”
    “Yep.” He nodded. “I went to college and got a degree in English Literature. And while I was there I met a professor who taught me a lot about the stock market. When to buy, when to sell. And it just kind of snowballed from there.”
    “And that’s what you’ve been doing since college?” Becca was intrigued.
    “Yeah, truth is I’m not much of a people person. And that accommodates it.”
    She stopped him and turned to face him. “You’re not a people person?”
    “Nope, I’m happy alone with a book.” He smirked. “English Lit major, remember?”
    “Interesting.” She narrowed her eyes up at him. Becca couldn’t believe this man was an introvert. Much like her. He seemed so much more confident than that.
    They roamed the festival, entertaining each other by people-watching. Pointing out the most interesting ones to each other and coming up with outlandish stories about them. William found Becca to be like a breath of fresh air. Her smile, the sparkle in her eye when she would look up at him. The feel of her hand locked in place with his.
    For the first time in a very long time he didn’t feel like a monster. Like some cage for the Beast.
    As the night neared an end, William was hit with the presence of another vampire. It prompted him to put his arm around Becca and keep her close. It wasn’t unknown, either. He recognized this feeling very well. It was Caleb.
    Vampires felt vampires differently than other species. It was more of a knowledge that they were around than a physical feeling. If it had been a werewolf or witch, William’s reaction would have been physical. And when it came to Caleb, William knew that man inside and out. How he felt when he was around, and how he would think, too.
    It made him wonder how long Caleb had been watching. And was it Becca who had him that distracted.
    “I guess I should be getting you home.” He pulled her close.
    William tried to sound natural but Becca sensed something more. She cuddled into his embrace and wrapped her arm around his back as they walked. Keeping the stuffed bear he had won tucked under her other arm.
    “Everything okay?”
    “Yeah, just don’t want your cousin hunting me down.” He chuckled.
    “Can’t say he wouldn’t try.” She confirmed.
    William became more alert until he could almost feel Caleb’s movements altogether. Opening the door for Becca, he scanned the area but saw nothing. The feeling stood prevalent though. He was out there watching them. And that didn’t sit well with William.
    Taking her home and delivering her back to her front door, he felt some reprieve from the tail. Caleb had backed off significantly. The fact that he was watching though presented more than William was willing to chance. He was going to have to distance himself from Becca.
    “So am I gonna see you this week at the bar?” She looked up at him, her fingers twisted with his.
    How could he stay away from such a beautiful woman? He couldn’t, that was how.
    “Perhaps.” William let the back of his hand graze her cheek, and in that moment he knew there was nothing that could keep him from her. She was worth the consequence.
    “Don’t make me wait too long.” She smiled before pushing up to meet his lips. He couldn’t resist the feel of her tongue pushing for access to his. His fingers twisted into her soft red curls, and he snaked his arm around her waist to pull her closer. Her body melded against his perfectly.
    “Why not stay?” Becca whispered against his lips.
    “I can’t, Becca.” He

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