Triple Play

Free Triple Play by B. J. Wane

Book: Triple Play by B. J. Wane Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. J. Wane
Tags: Erotic
look at how wet my cock is when I come back out. Feel how tight you are with both your holes filled.”
    She did feel tight, crammed full, and it felt wonderful. His demands thrilled her, the feel of his cock pummeling her depths excited her, seeing how wet he was from her juices astounded her. Their mating was crude, the slurping noises of their joined bodies combined with the slapping of their damp skin echoed in the room along with their harsh breathing. As their climaxes burst upon them, their groans couldn’t be held back.
    Ella’s arms and legs ached, her body was covered in sweat, her nipples and pussy pulsed sorely; and, yet, she couldn’t remember ever feeling so complete after a sexual encounter. Nor so tired.
    Sam smiled down at her as her eyes started to droop. “I’m with you, Blondie. A nap would do us both good.” Lowering her legs, then her arms, he lay down and pulled her next to him, not at all surprised when she drifted off to sleep immediately.
    Ella woke just as Sam attached her cuffed ankle to the bedpost. She was face down, her arms already spread and secured above her. Spreading her other leg, he clipped that ankle to the other post, leaving her completely bound spread eagle. “Sam?” She couldn’t keep the tremor out of her voice as he removed both pillows.
    “Lift up,” he ordered, ignoring her unspoken question.
    Ella raised her hips as best she could, and Sam stuffed both pillows under her, leaving her ass elevated and on display. She shivered in both vulnerable excitement and dread of the unknown.
    “Remember when I said your spanking was only a warm up for your real punishment?” At her nod he grasped the butt plug and pulled it slowly from her puckered hole as he said, “Now’s the time.”
    Ella couldn’t prevent the small whimper of loss as he removed the plug. She had gotten used to it being there and already missed that feeling of possession that she seemed to constantly crave. The sight of the flogger he pulled from his bag quickly drew her attention.
    “Don’t worry,” Sam said with a smile as he ran the leather strips lightly across her quivering buttocks. “You’ll get plenty of anal play before we’re done with you. I don’t want anything getting in the way of the strips.”
    “What do you mean?” Ella liked the feel of the soft leather as he continued to caress her with it.
    “Why don’t I demonstrate?”
    Ella watched as he raised his arm and brought the flogger down, unable to hold back a startled shriek at the fiery pain he ignited. The second stroke landed lower, the strands stinging between her spread cheeks. The third grazed her pussy as well as the under curve of her buttocks. She bit her lip and whimpered as he continued to demonstrate how the long strands fell between her cheeks and folds, nipping at her tender areas as well as leaving hot streaks of pain across her fleshy buttocks. Thankfully, he aimed the majority of strokes there, for she didn’t think she could take too many on her anus and pussy.
    “That’s it, Blondie. Lift that ass for me. Show me how much you love the kiss of leather.”
    She did love it, so much she hadn’t even realized she was lifting for each stroke, silently begging for more of his torment. The humiliation of her position, the painful heat, and his approving voice all stimulated her to a fevered pitch. Tears ran unchecked as she sniveled into the sheet, her hands clenching as he continued to whip her into an orgasmic frenzy.
    Sam wasn’t surprised when she came; he could tell by the eager rise of her hips and the way she ground herself against the pillows that she was close. Tossing the flogger, he knelt between her spread thighs and thrust into her still clenching cunt, absorbing the final tremors of her orgasm. He hadn’t intended to fuck her again, but the sight of those tears was too much. He could feel the heat of her red ass against him as he rammed into her over and over. Straightening his arms, he watched

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