Triple Play

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Book: Triple Play by B. J. Wane Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. J. Wane
Tags: Erotic
enough to hear them. “You really put her through her paces. I’d better wait a day or two. If I don’t, the woman will be so raw, she’ll be no good to us if we ever do manage to get her up to The Loft .”
    Sam chuckled knowingly, recalling Ella’s eager responses. “Somehow, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” Standing, he grabbed his sports coat. “Come on, let’s hit the club, keep an eye out, and you can give our girl a call tomorrow.”

Chapter Seven
    Ella returned home Saturday morning exhausted. Friday nights in the emergency room were always busy and stressful. Visiting Melanie afterward and seeing there was no change just dampened her mood. She was grateful for Mandy’s vigilant upbeat attitude. It helped keep her own hopes from diminishing. Turning on the shower, she undressed and stepped under the hot spray, the heat soothing her tired muscles.
    As she washed, running her soapy palms over her sensitive breasts, her thoughts strayed to Sam and their evening together. Her first experience with a truly dominating man had been everything she could have hoped for and left her wanting more. She had been so thankful that her daydreams and fantasies of submitting to her baser desires had been everything she had thought they would be.
    Grabbing a washcloth, she ran it between her legs, recalling the tender way Sam had bathed her after he had used her so roughly. She loved the contrast between the rough and demanding Dom and the tender, caring lover. He had seen to all her needs throughout the night, and even though she had left that hotel room with a sore ass and a well fucked pussy, she had also left feeling cherished and well cared for. She remembered how he had followed her to her car, the same as he had after their encounter in the alley, and how he had asked if she was all right to drive home, offering to accompany her if she wished. She hadn’t, needing the time alone, but had appreciated the gesture. Whether true or not, it made her feel like she was more than a means to an end with their investigation.
    Ella’s thoughts were interrupted by the jarring of the phone. Dropping the cloth from between her legs, she reached around the shower curtain and grabbed the portable phone off the counter. “Hello.”
    “Ella, it’s Mac.”
    “Mac, hi,” she answered breathlessly, the sound of his slow, deep voice making her nipples pucker. “Can I call you right back? I’m in the shower.”
    “Perfect. Since you’re naked, now would be a good time to see if you obey me as well as you did Sam.”
    It didn’t surprise her that Sam had shared the details of their night together with Mac. That Mac knew everything she had done excited her and made her want to prove to him she could please him just as well. “What do you want me to do?”
    If he was surprised by her casual acceptance, it didn’t show as he replied, “Do you have a seat and a hand held shower head?”
    “It’s a bathtub shower, but it does have a hand held shower head.”
    “With different settings?”
    Ella had purchased the shower head for that specific reason. The spray could be adjusted from soft and smooth to hard and pulsing and anywhere in between. “Yes, several,” she answered, instinctively knowing where this was heading.
    “Perfect. Sit on the side of the tub and spread your legs wide. Keep the phone at your ear while you make yourself come with the showerhead. I want to hear everything, Ella.”
    “Yes, Sir.” His tone brooked no argument, and his quick, abrupt attitude left room for no doubts as Ella did as instructed. Perched on the rim of the bathtub, she leaned against the tiled wall and spread her knees.
    She moaned as the soft, warm spray covered her spread pussy, seeping between her folds delicately. “Tell me about it,” Mac demanded in her ear as she turned the nozzle slightly, giving herself a harder pulse.
    “I just turned it to a harder spray. It feels so good, Sir,” she whispered without shame. Ella

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