Triple Play

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Book: Triple Play by B. J. Wane Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. J. Wane
Tags: Erotic
his cock take her again, watched as she lifted that fiery red ass to meet his thrusts. Within moments, she was coming again, sucking the life right out of him as he erupted.
    Ella didn’t know how long she lay there panting, her sated body tired and sore, blessedly so. She felt Sam leave the bed and then heard the water running in the bathroom. Moments later, he surprised her by lifting her into his arms after untying her. Without a word, he carried her into the bathroom and lowered her into a steaming bath filled with soothing, fragrant bubbles.
    “Lean your head back and relax,” he instructed as he picked up a washcloth.
    “I can bathe myself,” she protested as he ran the cloth over her chest and down her abdomen.
    “I’m well aware of what you can and can’t do, Ella. Remember the number one rule of going into this. It’s our way, with everything, every time.”
    She frowned at him, not wanting to admit that his soft ministrations felt good. “I thought you meant when it came to sex.”
    Sam smiled at her mulish expression and accusatory tone. “You thought wrong. Spread your legs.”
    Giving in, she did as instructed and let him ease her soreness with his tender ministrations.
    “It’s been almost two weeks,” Mac said as both he and Sam contemplated their next move. “Melanie was found two weeks ago and still no leads.”
    Both men looked at the pictures of the victims on their murder board. There was a profile of each one; but, thus far, none of the women had anything in common other than having been found in some remote place after being a patron of The Loft . The public only knew that the women were frequent members of Legends; they didn’t know that the women weren’t taken, raped, and murdered until they were initiated into the private bdsm club upstairs. All except Melanie.
    “And we’re still not sure Melanie’s abduction wasn’t a copy cat. She wasn’t raped, wasn’t killed, and hadn’t been invited upstairs. The only connection she has with the others is the drug and Legends,” Sam replied. “The girlfriend, Mandy, wasn’t much help. She’s admitted they fought that day, and she refused to accompany her. She was there when Melanie arrived home safely; they fought again and she left. She’s feeling pretty guilty about that.”
    “Yeah, but until we have something else either way, it’s all we’ve got. If she ever wakes up, we could have a witness.”
    “If not, and she is a victim of a copycat, then we have even less time before he strikes again.”
    Mac and Sam had met at the precinct to decide how to spend the weekend. They were members of The Loft long before this case landed in their laps. Like most of the patrons of the elite club, they had kept their last names and their jobs to themselves, neither of which was a requirement for membership. Since membership was steep, the clientele leaned towards those with high profile jobs, and anonymity was crucial for both their sakes and the club’s. Only their captain knew they were regulars, the rest of the task force believed they had gone in undercover, and Mac and Sam got ribbed a lot about getting the fun part of the investigation.
    “Which means we need to make a decision about Ella and soon,” Mac said. “Did she hold up last night?”
    “Fuck, Mac, she damn near sucked by balls off. She took everything I dished out not only without complaint, but she reveled in it.” Sam smiled, remembering the eager way she sucked him, not once, but twice.
    “Get that look off your face,” Mac snapped. “Some of us were left at home with nothing but our imagination.”
    “Calm down, Partner. I opened the way for you and let her know you’d be calling her for a get together.” Sam then relayed every moment of his time with Ella so Mac would know what she had experienced and what she needed to.
    Mac whistled softly. They were sitting at their desks, but the rest of the staff had already cleared out, so no one was close

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