Amber Eyes
sneakers. Are you okay? You vanished.” He sounded pissed. “I’m supposed to take you to your grandma’s. How can I if you run without telling me where you’re going?”
    “Sorry, had to rush. Be with you in a few.”
    “Okay. I’ll wait for you outside.”
    He left. Just like that. Without any further explanation or request, he exited the restroom. Excitement exploded inside me. He wouldn’t hand me over to the officer. He hadn’t realized the situation. Omigod! I was safe for the time being. Still, I bet the cop would search the station, and her search would include the restrooms. She’d be on to me in no time. I left the cubicle and hid behind the door, able to see everything happening outside through the crack between the door and its frame. If anybody came in the restroom, I could immediately fake I was washing my hands.
    Outside, it started to drizzle. Edward covered himself under the canopy. The redheaded cop, followed four steps behind by the puffing, chubby station guard, came into the yard.
    “If she’s not in the restrooms, then the girl you’re looking for is not here, ma’am,” the guard said as he gasped for air. His double chin shook like Jell-O. “This station’s very small.”
    I shivered. Once they came to search the restroom, I’d need to play an Oscar-worthy boy role. My performance had already convinced Edward I was one. I only hope the officer would find my act as convincing.
    As the two grown-ups approached the restrooms, Edward squatted and opened his backpack. He searched inside it until he produced a red baseball cap. He got to his feet and put it on, bringing it down to his eyebrows. He crossed his arms. Nonchalantly, he leaned one of his shoulders on the wall and started humming a song, a no-troubles-wanted attitude. Meanwhile, the redheaded officer entered the ladies’ restroom.
    “Alexandra, Alexandra!” she boomed.
    The guard pulled open the door to the men’s restroom but backed off, wiping the air in front of his nose. I sprung to the washbasin and opened the faucets.
    “God! Is there a dead skunk inside?” The guard shut the door, staying outside. I peeped again through the crack between the door and its frame. The guard turned to Edward. “Is that your friend in there?”
    Edward turned his head a bit, but not his body, his back still towards the guard. He answered over his shoulder. “Yup.”
    “He’s a guy, right? I mean, he ain’t a girl called Alexandra, is he?”
    “Of course he’s a guy. Who is the Alexandra you’re looking for, anyway?”
    “The lady’s looking for a teenage girl who might be traveling to Abbeville. Lola says you two are heading there, already purchased your tickets. Quite a coincidence, wouldn’t you say?”
    Edward rolled his eyes. He turned, standing tall with his arms crossed. The chubby guard was as least five inches shorter than he, so the guard had to look up.
    “I live there,” Edward grunted.
    “If so, what were you two doing here in Somerset, eh?” The guard pointed at Edward with a finger and raised his chin.
    “I play soccer, came for the Inter-High Soccer Tournament. We played the final match yesterday. Check with John Adams High if you don’t believe me.”
    The guard kicked Edward’s backpack. “Would I find weed if I search in there?”
    Edward shrugged his shoulders. “No weed, but if you don’t believe me, check it. You’ll find nothing. My old man’s Abbeville’s Sheriff.”
    The redheaded officer came out of the ladies’ and turned to the guard. “There’s nobody in there. Did you check the men’s?”
    I prayed, Please, don’t come in here, don’t come in here. My hands and legs were shaking. I had to hold to the wall.
    “Negative, ma’am. She’s not in the men’s. I’m afraid your girl never came—”
    “Is this one of the teens traveling to Abbeville?” She meant Edward.
    “Yes ma’am. He states he and his friend live in Abbeville. Came here to play a soccer match at Adams

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