The Remarkable Miss Frankenstein

Free The Remarkable Miss Frankenstein by Minda Webber

Book: The Remarkable Miss Frankenstein by Minda Webber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Minda Webber
which no one has let me forget, I am continuing toward my goal of achieving the prestigious Scientific Discovery of the Decade Award. My supernatural studies that we have previously discussed led me to believe that Baron Ian Huntsley was a vampire. Unfortunately—but fortunately for me—I made a slight miscalculation.
    Yes, the rumors of Baron Huntsley’s undeath were greatly exaggerated. He is not dead, and in fact is quite handsome. However, I shall prevail. I have leads on another vampire subject, who this time I just know is a vampire. Soon I will watch him feed. As your father, Major Van Helsing, always says, “A vampire tooth in hand is worth two in your neck.”
    I hope all is well with you, and I look forward to your return from the country. Take good care of yourself and I shall let you know how my research turns out. More on Baron Huntsley to come. Be sure to tell Major Van Helsing, if he asks, that Baron Huntsley IS NOT A VAMPIRE. I wouldn’t want the baron to be mistakenly staked, especially if the mistake were made by me in the form of mistaken identity. There’s too much at stake. Did I tell you that the baron took me riding in his carriage this afternoon? He really is quite handsome for a man I believed to be a bloodsucker pretending to be human.
    With sincere affection,
    Clair Frankenstein

Love at First Bite
    The huge chandeliers glittered like diamonds, casting a soft glow over the brightly colored assemblage. The women were dressed in their most vivid colors, flitting about the room like butterflies in the wind. The men, not to be outdone in attire, also glided this way and that, leading their partners in dance. On the edges of the ballroom floor, members of the ton—the upper, upper crust of British society—stood talking and waiting for scandal to erupt.
    Ian took it all in stride, searching for Clair as he entered the throng. She had mentioned the day before on their ride home from the park that she would be attending this, the Faltisek Ball, the next night.
    As he strode past a large marble column, Ian was halted with a touch on the arm by the Honorable Christopher Wilder. “Huntsley, good to see you,” the blond, curly-haired man commented, his brown eyes narrowed.
    Ian nodded warily. Christopher Wilder was a force unto himself. His affections were all reputedly feigned, his eyes cruel, his debauches legend. “Wilder,” Ian acknowledged coolly.
    “I heard you were escorting the younger Frankenstein female yesterday.”
    Ian scowled, recognizing that the only thing in London more pathetic than the ton’s affinity for gossip was its limited attention span and even more limited ability to tell truth from fiction. “This concerns you how?” he growled.
    Wilder’s smile was anything but friendly. “What maggot’s in your head? It was only an innocent comment. I had just remarked upon it because she’s not your usual fare.”
    The man glanced over to where Ian saw Clair holding court with two elderly gentleman, one slender and silver-haired, the other balding and plump of both pocket and figure. Ian also noted that Clair was dressed in a dark green gown, so dark it almost appeared black, over a tawny golden slip. Tiny puffed sleeves decorated in gold were attached to a décolletage which showed off bare shoulders and much of her pale breasts. Too much of her breasts for a public place, Ian noted darkly.
    Watching Ian watch Clair, Wilder commented slyly, “Although she is a delicious piece of womanhood.”
    “I’ve killed men for less,” Ian snapped, his fists clenched, his eyes flashing green fire.
    “My, my, how territorial you’ve become, and in so short a time. Cupid’s arrow must be sharp indeed.”
    Bowing, Wilder turned and blended back into the rapacious crowd, a sneer twisting his lips.
    A scowl marred Ian’s austere features. He didn’t want Clair conversing with just anyone, not with that neckline cut practically down to her navel. Peevishly, he began making his way

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