A Question of Trust

Free A Question of Trust by Jess Dee

Book: A Question of Trust by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
    “More,” she murmured into his mouth.
    “Hmmm?” He toyed with her tongue.
    “More.” At least that’s what she tried to say. It was impossible to speak clearly when she refused to pull her lips away from his.
    She used sign language instead—or she used her hands at any rate, tearing Connor’s towel off. His erection sprang free between them, poking into her belly. Finally, she had reason to break the kiss.
    “My turn,” she gasped and pulled away from him.
    She could have started on his chest, like he had, nibbling happily on his nipples. She could have moved down to his stomach, become intimately acquainted with every muscle there. She could have, but she didn’t. She chose instead to head straight for the heart of the matter, to bring him to the brink, to make him as achy and as needy as he had made her, and when she was done—and he had found no relief whatsoever—she would kiss him again. And again and again, and maybe not stop until tomorrow morning. Anything so she could show him just how much he had affected her.
    Could he see the picket fence, the delightful cottage behind it?
    Like Connor had done minutes ago, she dropped to her knees and took his cock in her hand. It was longer than Gabe’s and thinner but no less impressive. It was also slightly curved. Maddie’s mouth watered. She rested her head on Connor’s stomach and inhaled deeply.
    Lord, he smelled good. Like Gabe. Man and musk and sex. But there was something more. Something familiar. Home?
    His dick lurched in her hand.
    Maddie leaned forward and, placing her tongue beneath his balls, licked upward, laving first one testicle then the other, then started on his shaft, encompassing every last inch, from his base to his tip. By the time she withdrew her tongue, pearly beads glistened on the head of Connor’s penis.
    “Oh, Jesus… Maddie…”
    She suspected Connor would have said more if she hadn’t repeated her actions. This time she only stopped when she’d swallowed the tasty drops Connor had produced—for her.
    Did he still feel it? The magic that crackled between them? The connection. It was there. As sure as she held him in her hand, it was there. She ducked lower, pushed his legs apart and licked the tender spot between his testicles and his ass.
    Connor groaned her name.
    With Gabe, she could never reach there. His thighs were too wide, she had to stop at his balls. With Connor she kept on, licking and feeding, teasing with tiny dips of her tongue between his ass cheeks, but never going further.
    Connor groaned and twisted.
    Two could play at the same game. Just like he had brought her to the edge and stopped, she could torment him. She did. In one full, long sweep, she brought her tongue back up to the tip of his cock, and swallowed down the new drops he’d left for her. Then slowly, slowly, she drew him between her lips, taking him inch by glorious inch, until her mouth was full.
    Apple pie and man. With cream on the side. If his mouth had been intoxicating, his dick tasted like paradise. Maddie lost herself to the fantasy that was Connor. She loved him with her mouth and with her hand, wrapping her fingers around his base, ensuring that all parts of him were taken care of. Using her other hand, she caressed his balls and the sweet area beneath them.
    Pleasuring him was no less erotic, no less arousing then his teasing had been for her. Maddie’s pussy hummed, yearned. Damn Connor. He might be able to withhold her pleasure, but he couldn’t prevent her from touching herself.
    She released his balls and lowered her hand until she found her pounding clit. Such was the level of her arousal, it almost hurt to touch it. She winced before sighing around his cock. It wouldn’t take long. A little quick, focused circling, apply some pressure, and she’d have her orgasm.
    “Don’t.” Connor’s voice was strained. “Shite, Maddie, if you touch yourself, I won’t be able to hold back.” His dick twitched in her mouth.

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