A Question of Trust

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Book: A Question of Trust by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
misery. This was the most intense, profound experience she’d ever had.
    “Put me out of my misery,” Connor groaned. He pulled his mouth away from her ear. “Call it, Gabe.”
    Maddie yelped as something cool and wet touched her ass.
    Gabe growled and ran his hand down her leg, the leg that still stood on the ground. “Hold on to her, just like this, buddy. You take her front, I’ll bring up the rear.” He caressed her buttocks, dipped his finger between them and Maddie began to tremble uncontrollably. “You ready, baby? You ready to take both of us?”
    Ready? Hell, if Connor had been wearing a condom, she’d already have mounted him. “I am, Gabe. I want you, both of you. I want you inside me. Now! ”
    It was really happening. She was about to become the centre of a Maddie sandwich.
    Connor kissed her lips. “Don’t go anywhere.” He pulled back and reached around her, taking something from Gabe.
    Maddie waited as both he and Gabe sheathed their cocks. Their cocks. Not just Gabe’s. Or Connor’s. Theirs . Both of them. At the same.
    Lord, she shook so bad she should have fallen, but desire was a potent drug. It kept her upright while her bones dissolved in her legs. Nothing would stop this moment from happening. Nothing. Her lover stood behind her, ready to take her like he had countless times before. And his best friend stood before her, as aroused and frustrated as she, hungry for the chance to finally become one with her.
    She turned around to look at Gabe, check for reassurance. He pulled her head forward, pressing a hot, hard kiss to her lips. “Double penetration, baby,” he whispered. “It’s your thing.”
    “You…you still sure you don’t mind sharing me?”
    He took her hand, wrapped it around his rock hard cock. “You tell me.”
    Her voice eluded her, so she simply nodded. His body didn’t lie. She’d never felt him this hard before.
    Gabe’s eyes were black, predatory. “You’re going to turn around in a minute, baby, and you’re going to wrap both your legs around Connor’s waist, so he can fuck you while he’s standing up.” He used her hand to pump his cock. “Christ,” he swore. “I can’t wait to see his dick disappearing into your hot little pussy.” His erection thickened in her palm. “When…” Gabe cleared his throat. “When Connor’s inside you, and I’m so fucking horny I can hardly stand, I’m going to slide my dick into your ass.” He looked over her shoulder at Connor, then back at her. “Believe me, baby. I don’t mind sharing you. I want this. Real bad.”
    He kissed her again, his mouth setting off a firework display behind her eyelids, then he drew back and turned her to Connor.
    His beautiful face was glazed with lust. “You’ll get your orgasm, Maddie,” Connor promised. “We all three will.”
    Liquid slid down her thighs and her knees shook so hard it was almost impossible to lift her leg. Almost, but she wanted Connor too damn much to ruin things over a little tremor. “Help me, Gabe,” she begged.
    He was there, behind her, hoisting her up so she could wrap her legs around Connor’s waist and her arms around his neck.
    Connor stared at her with desire-darkened blue eyes. “Kiss me, sweetheart. Kiss me and welcome me home.”
    How could she do otherwise? Her lips found his in a hot, moist kiss. As his tongue slid inside, Gabe’s support dwindled and Connor took her full weight. Finally, finally, finally , she slid downwards, until her pussy lips touched his cock. She moaned into his mouth as he thrust upwards, and the interminable journey to reach this point came to an end.
    Or was it a beginning?
    Connor slid into her, fitting inside like a hand in a glove. She did not have to shift to accommodate his size, or shuffle for an easier entrance. With Connor it just worked. She held him tighter, kissed him more intimately and sighed with sheer bliss.
    Home. At last.
    His heart banged against her breast, his chest heaved against hers.

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