Winter's Secret

Free Winter's Secret by Lyn Cote

Book: Winter's Secret by Lyn Cote Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lyn Cote
Tags: Suspense
    "Fine. I'm just fine." Penny brushed the question aside.
    Rodd wondered why Wendy was concerned about Penny. Was her health in question?
    Ginger set a platter of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of Rodd, plopped a heavy cereal bowl and small pitcher of milk in front of Wendy, and handed her a small box of Raisin Bran. "Sheriff, I bet you didn't know that our Wendy always helps with the Senior Bazaar...."
    Rodd wondered what the waitress was getting at.
    Ginger grinned. "Wendy was the only girl in our high school class who failed cooking class. She helps by not baking anything."
    Wendy's face turned rosy pink. "So my cakes always fall. Is that my fault?"
    Grinning, Penny said, "Of course it isn't, Wendy! We have to go, Zak, and let them eat breakfast." She tugged a reluctant Zak away. Ginger followed them to the front to help position the new flyer.
    Rodd waved good-bye, then breathed in the heartening aroma of bacon and began enjoying his breakfast.
    Wendy spent a few moments fixing her bowl of cereal, pouring the milk, sprinkling sugar over the flakes. The slim appetite Wendy had come in with deserted her when she'd seen Veda. ." Wendy's stomach clenched. Rodd's presence was a blessing and a bane. She hoped she'd helped him and the investigation here this morning. But Veda was here and she'd seen Wendy with Rodd. Veda rarely ate at the cafe so why had she picked today?
    Ginger's bringing up Mom hadn't helped Wendy's digestion either. Her mother had been weeping the last time she called. What was going on with Mom and her new husband?
    The bell on the front door jingled as Penny and Zak left the cafe. Penny had looked pale and tired to Wendy. Was Penny still run-down from her miscarriage last summer? Should she talk to Penny about that or keep her peace? Rodd asked her a question about Harlan and she smiled as she answered.
    When Wendy and the sheriff were almost done eating, out of the corner of her eye, Wendy glimpsed Veda leave her booth and turn toward them. Wendy braced herself.

Chapter Five
    "So, Sheriff, you were called out to Flanagan's the other night?" The grim-faced older woman stared at him, pointedly ignoring Wendy.
    Wendy forced herself to go on chewing as though she hadn't heard anything. Ignoring Veda had evolved over the years as Wendy's only successful way of handling the argumentative woman.
    Rodd rose politely. "I'm sorry; we haven't met."
    "I'm Veda McCracken," the woman replied stiffly. "How come you didn't arrest Dutch Rieker and Elroy Dietz? And you let the burglar get away last night!" Without waiting for a reply, Veda plunged on. "You don't arrest deadbeats for being drunk and disorderly...."
    Wendy regretted making Rodd a target for Veda by having breakfast with him here. But then Veda never needed an excuse for being rude—to anyone.
    Rodd interrupted Veda's diatribe. "Ma'am, do you know firsthand of any information about criminal activity by either Rieker or Dietz?"
    Wendy heard the coldness in Rodd's tone. Apparently, he didn't appreciate being put on the spot. Well, that never stopped Veda.
    "I don't need to have any firsthand information. Everyone in the county heard about that brawl the other night. Just because you're trying to get on the good side of Rieker's good-for-nothing niece—"Veda glared at Wendy—"doesn't mean you should let trash like Dutch and Elroy off with just a slap on the wrist."
    Rodd bristled. "You still haven't told me anything to the point—"
    The cafe's door opened. Wendy glanced around to see Ma and Bruno walk in, and Wendy braced herself again. Ma never suffered Veda in silence.
    The two women faced each other. Ma stared hard at Veda.
    Wendy held her breath.
    Veda sneered at Ma and Bruno. "Well, if it isn't love's young dream? Or are you just two old, nearsighted fools?"
    Bruno tried to move forward toward Veda.
    Ma lifted

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