Theresa Caputo: The Medium Who Talks to the Dead

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Book: Theresa Caputo: The Medium Who Talks to the Dead by Rita Mary Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Mary Campbell
communicate or at least sense spirits for as long as they can remember.
    Many people believe that young children and animals have a much stronger sense of spirits around them than adults do. It is possible that most everybody has some form of this gift, but many people reject it as it begins to develop, and thus never develop it to the full potential or at all.
    For Theresa Caputo, “The Long Island Medium,” her story is very similar to this, but with a much different ending. Theresa remembers being able to communicate with the spirit world from about the age of four years. As she recollected on a recent talk show, she was not initially frightened because it was normal for her. However, as she realized that others could not do this and that it was not “normal,” she began fearing this ability and tried to stop it from happening. This ended up causing her a great amount of anxiety as a child, which her mother attempted to help her deal with.

    Figuring Out What It Is
    As with most people who discover that they are clairvoyant, when Theresa realized she was seeing people and things that nobody else saw, this frightened her and her mother. Her mother took her to see countless doctors and specialists in an attempt to discover what was going on. Many professionals were unsure about what she was seeing or sensing, and the standard “imaginary friend” or “she will grow out of it” was common for the doctors to say.
    Finally, Theresa’s mother took her daughter to see a healer and spiritual counselor who happened to have the gift of clairvoyance. This person was able to mentor Theresa, dispel her fears and help her develop her gift and talents as a medium.
    In Theresa’s case, she had been able to communicate with spirits since childhood, however; it was not until about ten years ago that she decided to completely develop her gift and work as a medium.
    Theresa has expressed that she receives messages in many different ways. In most cases, Theresa is a mental medium. She usually gets messages through clairvoyance, clairempathy, clairaudience, and clairsentience. She says that it is hard to describe how the spirits communicate with mediums, and unless you have experienced it on some level it is hard to understand or comprehend.
    Theresa has commented that spirits tend to line up to communicate with her and pass messages onto loved ones. On a recent talk show, she had told the host about a couple messages she was getting about audience members while they were backstage. She was then able to go on stage and relay those specific messages to the correct people based on what the spirits shared with her. These techniques and gifts can take a while to perfect, but with practice mediums get very good at differentiating what they are being told and who it is meant for.

    Theresa and Larry
    Theresa Accepts Her Gift
    It was only after her decision to stop denying the spirits communication through her that she came to slowly accept being a medium as a huge part of who she is and learn to love what she is able to do by comforting people.
    Once Theresa Caputo acknowledged her gift and decided to use it to help others, it continued to develop and grow rapidly.
    There is an episode where she is reading for a group of guests at a house party and she asks a woman if her deceased son had a tattoo of his daughter's baby feet on his forearm.  Not only can you tell the woman is completely shocked, but she looks like she is going to faint because she says NO ONE could have known that.
    The messages Theresa delivers to guests on the show are spot-on and detailed.  The show films interviews with people after they have received readings with Theresa wherein people claim that they were extremely skeptical about mediums before having received a message.
    You can clearly see by their elated and tearful reactions that they are comforted and feel more at peace with the loss they have experienced.
    Some people, like Theresa

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