Caputo, have the gift of using their intuitive mental abilities while awake or conscience to communicate with the spirit realm. This has been described by many mental mediums as opening up to a higher level of energy that seems to occur on a different plane of existence.
It took Theresa five years going back and forth to spiritual healers to realize that she could in fact talk to the dead. She says she had to learn and control what it was that the spirits were trying to show her. She can never shut it off, but she can choose to ignore the spirits trying to come through h er.“They’re always there, ready to communicate.”
Around that time she said to her husband Larry that she thought spirit was trying to communicate to her. Larry was skeptical, and thought she was crazy.
Theresa’s children Victoria and Larry Jr. were young when Theresa started realizing she was gifted to talk to dead people and since they were so young, they thought it normal for mothers to be able to do this.
Larry Jr. used to say to his classmates when he was young “my dad is a wholesale distributor for Italian foods for his job, my mom speaks to dead people. Theresa also believes that others in her family may have this gift.
Theresa Using Her Gift
A touching session Theresa Caputo had with a guest from the audience was on the Dr. Oz show recently. She said there was someone in the audience who has a mother and didn’t get a chance to say good-bye to her daughter. Theresa asked who this person was in the audience and a woman raised her hand.
Theresa went on to say that her mother was telling Theresa that the spirit of her mother wanted to thank her daughter for taking care of her. Her mother didn’t want the daughter to carry any negative emotions, and she chose to die the day the daughter wasn’t there because she didn’t want to let go with her daughter present. The daughter believed it and Theresa was glad to let the daughter know her mother was safe.
On the same show that day Theresa asked who had lost their son in a tragedy. An audience member raised her hand. Theresa asked if her son died suddenly and the audience member said that her son was a navy seal and died in Iraq suddenly. The spirit told Theresa that his mom had a tattoo, which the audience member did.
The son told Theresa about a necklace mom wore, and mom had the necklace on that day. Theresa reassured mom that her son was always there with her. The father was frail and about to die, so mom had asked that her son be there to greet dad when he dies. The son told Theresa that he would be there for his dad. (The audience member totally believed her.)
On another occasion Theresa Caputo was a guest on the Jay Leno show and she shared during the interview that spirits tend to line up to communicate with her and pass messages onto loved ones. She told Leno about a couple messages she was getting about audience members while they were backstage.
She was then able to go on stage and relay those specific messages to the correct people based on what the spirits shared with her. These techniques and gifts can take a while to perfect, but with practice mediums get very good at differentiating what they are being told and who it is meant for.
On another interview with Anderson Cooper, Caputo shared with Cooper that while she was getting her makeup put on for his show, a spirit came through her regarding the makeup person.
When Caputo did a quick session with the makeup artist, she (the makeup artist) confirmed Caputo was correct and she did have someone recently die and what Theresa said about the dead relative was right on target.
Once when Caputo was interviewing prospective assistants to help her, she channeled the spirit of one candidate's mother.
"I had no intention of channeling spirit," she says. "But this is my life." Caputo shares information with potential assistant Joseph from his departed mother, much of it so meaningful