Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders)

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Book: Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders) by Rebecca Lorino Pond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond
spent talking about Etor. Kelly couldn’t figure out why the Commander was claiming her best friend but she as hell was going to give him a piece of her mind the next time she saw him. Maggie had been hurt enough by Mark and she didn’t need some alien hurting her too.
    Several times during their conversation, Kelly mentioned how hot and sexy Etor was or how she would like to run her hands over all those muscles that bulged our everywhere.
    “Aww…come on, Mags. The guy is freaking gorgeous with a capital G! You got to admit it! Matter of fact, every guy I have seen so far on this ship is freaking gorgeous. I t must be a requirement to be a Qeteran. I can see it now ‘Wanted: hot looking dudes with bulging muscles’.” Kelly laughed at her own stupid joke.
    Her friend’s laugh was infectious. She couldn’t help but join in with her as she pictured Etor waiting in line to fill out an application for Kelly’s wanted sign. “What are we going to d o?” She wiped away the tears from laughing so hard.
    “We’re not going back to Earth, that’s for sure. Maybe we should just see how Qetera is and go from there. I mean, it’s got to better than where we were originally headed. These guys don’t seem like the cruel type even if they are as big as giants.”  
    “I guess so.”

Chapter 8
    Etor heard the females talking as he entered his quarters. He had left as soon as the female Kelly had arrived and told her he would return in a couple of hours. He didn’t want to leave Maggie especially after receiving those injections. The pull of their bond was growing and he needed to be near her until he could totally bond her to him in every way.
    He heard them laughing as the door closed and it sounded like music to his ears. He could listen to Maggie laugh for the rest of his life and he would be satisfied. No, that was a lie. He wanted, or rather needed, to bury his cock in her as she screamed out his name in ecstasy. It was becoming harder and harder to be near her as he felt his cock hardening as he stood there listening.
    “You’re back,” Kelly said catching him off guard.
    “Yes, there is an escort coming to bring you back to your quarters. He should be here in a few moments.” He looked to bedroom with the hopes of seeing his mate. “I trust everything went okay.”
    “Sure did, but umm…can I talk to you in private for a moment?”
    Was something wrong? The female wanted to talk to him without Maggie overhearing. “We can talk in my office.” He led her to the door on the opposite side of his quarters. Once inside Kelly took him by surprise when he turned around. She tried to shove him then decided to poke him in the chest as she started to rant.
    “You had better be nice to my friend! She’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I won’t let anyone else hurt her. Got it?”
    What was this female talking about? Who hurt his mate? He looked down at the tiny woman who steadily poked him in the chest. “Female! Would you stop doing that?” He grabbed her hand to get her to stop.
    “I’m just saying , I don’t want to see my friend hurt again.”
    “I understand what you are saying and what I want to know is, who hurt her? Tell m e and I will have him killed!” He meant it. He would do anything to help his mate not hurt.
    “Maggie really needs to tell you herself, but I’ll tell you this. She witnessed something that scared the crap out of her. That’s why we were on that transport, to get away.” Kelly backed down.
    “Get away from what?” he asked.
    “Her boyfriend.”
    Just as Kelly told him , there was a knock on the door. The escort had arrived to take her back to her quarters. He didn’t want her to leave now that she had told him Maggie had been in some kind of danger.
    Kelly walked to the door of his office then turned to face him once again. “Look Commander, Maggie means a lot to me and I don’t

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