Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders)

Free Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders) by Rebecca Lorino Pond

Book: Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders) by Rebecca Lorino Pond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond
returned a few minutes later with the tray from earlier in the day.
    “I thought since you liked the soup earlier, you might want some more. I also brought you some keno bread. It’s freshly baked by the cooks on the ship.” He set the tray on her lap.”
    “Thank you,” she said without looking at him.
    “If you need anything else just holler for me. I have some paper work I need to attend to in my office before I return to duty.”
    “Okay,” she said around a mouth full of bread.
    Why did she feel like such a heel as he left the room? Dang, he was the one demanding she be his mate! He was the one touching her while she slept, but it did feel good. Maybe if she explained everything to him nicely he would see that she wasn’t interested in a relationship right now.
    Who are you trying to kid, her brain shouted out? I know you feel something for him. Your body betrays you every time he comes near you.
    “Oh shut up!” she told her alter ego. “I don’t feel anything.”
    “Liar, Liar pants on fire!”
    She ignored her brain as she finished eating her meal. Kelly would be here shortly and she could talk to her about everything.
    As soon as Kelly arrived Etor took off without even saying goodbye. His feelings were obviously really hurt.
    “Maggie!” Kelly flew into the bedroom and landed on the bed with a bounce! She threw her arms around her and they hug ged each other tight. “Oh my God, Mags. I thought I lost you! This was all my idea and look what happened. I am so sorry!”
    Maggie hugged her childhood friend as if she would never see her again. “It’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault really. We are just lucky we survived.”
    They pulled apart but didn’t entirely let go of each other. “What the hell happened, Mags? No one has told us much expect that our transport had been damaged. Do you know anything? We’ve been so scared!”
    “That part is true according to Commander Etor. But there is more t o the story than that,” she choked up a bit as she tried to talk without turning into a crybaby.
    “Tell me! Tell me everything you know,” Kelly’s friendly demand made her laugh. As a former police officer, she had a way to get information out of someone.
    “Apparently, our transport was sold to a bunch of people called Lephusans.”
    “Sold! By whom?” Kelly’s mouth hung open in astonishment.
    “The Commander doesn’t know yet, but we were sold to those people as breeders. That’s why the transport only had females on it. Anyhow, on our way there our transport ran into an asteroid field and was struck by one which badly damaged it and knocked us off course. The Commander’s ship found us drifting when we entered their galaxy. He said we had been drifting for over nine months.”
    “Nine months! Oh my God! We were only supposed to be in stasis for three!” Kelly said.
    “I know, that’s why my legs won’t work. It’s something to do with the gas, a side effect.”
    “They didn’t tell me you couldn’t walk! Is it permanent?” Kelly touched her legs as if she could bring back the feeling.
    “No, they gave me some kind of injections a little while ago to help heal them faster.” She shrugged then continued with the news. “Any way, these bad guys wanted us to produce babies with them. I, for one, am glad the Commander found us even if he thinks I am his mate.”
    “Whoa there, girlfriend! Did you say mate? What the hell, Mags?”
    She had to laugh at her friend’s expression. “Tell me about it. Etor, the Commander, believes I am his one true mate. Crazy, right?”
    “Dam, girl. I wish that hunk of a man would claim me as his one true mate. That man has got one fine ass body!” Kelly had a dreamy expression on her face as she thought of her Etor.
    See, you are wanting to admit you are attracted to him , her brain interrupted. Was she really feeling a bit jealous? No way possible.
    “Come on, spill it all, Mags! I want all the juicy details!”
    The next hour they

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