Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders)

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Book: Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders) by Rebecca Lorino Pond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond
want her hurt. Just promise me you will treat her right.”
    “That is a promise. I would do anything to protect her and make her happy.” It was the truth and he wanted Kelly to believe him.
    “Ok, I believe you have good intentions, but you still need to ask her why she is running.” Kelly walked out of the room then left with escort.
    He didn’t go to Maggie right away. He need ed some time to think about what Kelly had told him. Maggie was on the run from something or someone and he wanted to know who. What did she witness that scared her enough to leave her planet?
    He ran a hand through his hair then rubbed his tired eyes.  It had been a long day and he was ready to take a shower and get some rest. Question was, would she be okay with him sleeping in the bed as her?
    Three days later he was still sleeping on the sofa in his quarters. After his talk with Kelly he had gone into the bedroom to find Maggie sound asleep. In a way he was disappointed then again he was relieved. He didn’t want to fight with her again but he was dying to question her. After his shower he grabbed a pillow off the bed and a spare blanket from the closet. He was exhausted by the time he laid his head on the pillow.
    Rhaegos was off roaming the ship somewhere, thank the gods! He would never hear the end of it from the nosy dragon if he found out a tiny human female managed to chase him out of his own bed.
    The past three days had been torture. He barely s poke with her and avoided going back to his quarters until he absolutely had to. Kelly was more than happy to sit with Maggie but he knew he was avoiding her. Kelly even gave him odd looks each time she left for the evening.
    Good thing though, Maggie had regain most of the feelings in her legs and was walking on her own. Jonik had come by each day to monitor her progress and he was pleased with the results. He just told her to take it easy and not to push herself too hard.
    It killed him to see Kelly helping her walk when it should have been him. He hadn’t touched her since that day she had awoken and found him massaging her. It was so painful to see her each morning then again in the evening and not touch her. He had to give himself some relief a couple of times when he was alone in the shower. If he didn’t claim her soon, it would literally be too painful to walk any longer. His cock was hard for most of the day and nothing he did relieved the ache he felt for her.
    He was sitting on the bridge when the Arabis approached Qetera. It would be a relief to get off the ship and take Maggie back to his home.
    “Sir, the shuttles have arrived to begin transporting the crew down to the surface,” Vigo said.
    “See that the ship is secured before leaving.” He was going to get Maggie and take her down to his home where his brother, Kharis, would be waiting.
    “Yes Sir, Commander.”
    Maggie was waiting for him when he entered their quarters. She was sitting near the window looking out at his home world. She looked so beautiful sitting there in one of his shirts.
    She didn’t even turn around when he came up behind her.
    “It’s so pretty, Etor, and big. It’s got to be at least four times the size of Earth!”
    “Most of the planets in the Yahiri Galaxy are big, but Qetera is the largest.” He was happy to answer any questions she asked as long as he got to be near her.
    “How many moons does it have? I’ve seen two so far.”
    She looked up at him out of curiosity, making his cock jump. “Three. Yahiri also has two suns.”
    Her big blue eyes widen even more at his revelation. “Two suns! Shouldn’t we burn up or something with two suns? My galaxy only has one sun.”
    “Well, one of the suns is a red dwarf and doesn’t give off much light. It’s the large sun that gives us light and the heat we need.” Her hair smelled so good. Like fresh cut flowers from the forests of Qetera.
    “I came to escort you down to the surface.”
    “Oh, we’re going

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