back for fibbing like a grown up.
" That's…good then, that we can all be adults about this." Kyle's expression landed somewhere around befuddled field mouse drop-kicked into city center.
" Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head over to the pasta shop." I started to close the door, but he put a hand out, before I closed it all the way.
" I didn't see your car. It's still at Mike's right? Let me give you a ride. It's the least I can do."
Cripes! The last thing I wanted was to extend this misery any longer than absolutely necessary. Kyle, nice guy that he really was, would insist on reliving the good old days and playing a few rounds of do you remember when, inadvertently tearing open old wounds. Lady Luck was on my side thou gh because I spied Donna's garage door trundling up.
" Thanks Kyle, but Donna already said she would drive me."
Kyle nodded, backing away from the door so I could slip out. Roofus bayed again, a sad, soulful sound as though his heart was breaking at my departure. I knew it was just an act—he'd go lie in his basket and sleep away the hours until Pops came home to feed him.
Kyle 's gaze bore into my back as I trotted across the cul-de-sac to Donna's pretty little colonial. Crossing my fingers that she wouldn't expose my fib, I called out to her.
Donna was a pretty, earth mother sort of woman with long auburn hair and laughing green eyes. Today she was dressed to the nines in a swirling black skirt and emerald blouse with a Mandari n collar. "Andy! Why didn't you tell me you were back in town? I was just heading out to show a house."
I glanced over my shoulder but Kyle hadn 't heard.
" Do me a favor and keep your voice down. Not to sound like a bored five-year-old, but could you please take me with you? I'll buy you lunch at the pasta shop afterward, and we can catch up."
Her lips tilted up , and she glanced over my shoulder. "Who are you dodging?"
" Kyle. If he gives me a ride and Lizzy finds out, her head will explode. And as much fun as that would be, I've had my fill of drama."
Donna grinned . "Don't waste any time, do you? Hop in and catch me up."
Donna 's aging Subaru was littered with kiddie flotsam. A couple of matching booster seats, a few rogue pink barrettes, and discarded happy meal toy still in the plastic wrapper. Pleasantly cluttered, though a far cry from the pristinely Armoralled interior of Mustang Sally. I made sure to toss Kyle a jaunty wave as we rolled down the street.
" You are totally my hero."
" Yeah yeah, so catch me up. Are you moving back here now?" her eyes filled with hope.
" I'm not moving back."
She frowned. "Then, why are you here?"
" To see if I can help the business and to make some sort of a comeback plan. Besides, someone has to keep Pops and Aunt Cecily from murdering each other. As soon as everything goes back to normal, I'll be heading back to Atlanta." Or as close to normal as my family ever got.
Donna braked for a stop sign. "Speaking of murder, Steve told me that someone died last night, up at the Tillman's place. Know anything about that?"
Donna 's husband was ten years her junior, a factoid that always gave me hope. Her first husband had been hit by a car while she was in labor with her now teenaged son. Busy as a single mom and grieving widow, Donna had no time for dating, even if she'd felt the urge. But then Steve had come along. Bright and shiny as a new penny, he'd run down a mugger who'd stolen her purse. The Bowtie Angel had catered their wedding, and Donna's twin girls were born exactly nine months later.
" I was there, and it was Chef Zoltan Farnsworth."
" You've got to be kidding." Her eyes went wide. "Are you like, a suspect?"
" Jeez, Donna, don't sound so excited by the prospect. I don't think so. The cops seemed more interested in Lizzy's half-brother. But that's mostly because he's new in town."
" Any idea who might have wanted him dead?"
"Anyone who met him?" I quipped, then felt bad. "Honestly, no, not really. We didn't