Walk Beside Me (Walk Series)

Free Walk Beside Me (Walk Series) by H.J. Bellus

Book: Walk Beside Me (Walk Series) by H.J. Bellus Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.J. Bellus
I feel and what will happen.
    I open Finn’s letter one more time and begin writing something in it that I forgot about. The door to my room creaks open and see Tommie standing before me.
    “Tess, you can go. I’ll let you go whenever you want. Just know I’m always here.” Tommie breaks down into tears falling to her knees before she goes on. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you, but I’ll always respect your decision. I love you.”
    “Thank you,” I whisper.
    *  *  *
    “Tessa, wake up! It’s Christmas Eve.”
    Will is beyond excited to celebrate Christmas this year with his little angel. He’s gone wild with decorations, presents, and food. The feast he has brewed up for tomorrow is surreal with everything you can imagine. He’s ordered in a special prime rib that is supposed to be the best ever.
    I assume that Tommie hasn’t shared my plan with him since he hasn’t asked me any questions. He’s bothered me a couple of times about getting an ultrasound and going to do a check-up. I’ve been able to brush him off both times ignoring the question. Will has also not so discreetly brought up Finn every chance he gets. Little does he know that I’ve been still stalking Kara’s Instagram and know exactly what Finn’s been up to. There’s only been a couple of pictures with Finn’s face in the frame while the others are basically selfies of the cow and a summary of all the fun and amazing things they are doing together with puke-worthy hash tags.
    My door finally blows open and when I look I can’t help but giggle. Will is standing in an elf costume resembling Buddy the Elf with Emma decked out in a Mrs. Claus dress. My laughter grows out of control when Tommie enters behind them dressed up as Rudolph. She shoots me a glare and then flips me off.
    “Just laugh, little sis. Here’s yours courtesy of Will.”
    Tommie tosses a garment bag on my bed and I literally go pale at the sight of a Santa costume inside.
    “Now before you get pissed, Tessa, you do have the Santa belly going on,” Will says.
    “Only because I love you.”
    I watch as Will wraps his arm around Tommie and they both exit my room in their own fits of giggles now.
    “Only because I love you,” I whisper again.
    I’m leaving tomorrow night after dinner or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Chapter 9
    I’ve never been so miserable on Christmas Eve before. Granddaddy always had me busting my ass to get the chores done on the farm and all the fixings he loved for Christmas. But now I lay in my empty bed on the deserted family ranch with only my pup. My phone keeps blowing up and I know it’s Kara. She’s insisting I go to her family’s place for some fucking luncheon get together. I know my father will be there since he’s best friends with her parents and has no family who can stand him.
    I’m not sure what choice I’m left with. It’s either wallow here in bed or get fed. It may not be the best company and yes, I’d rather stay here, but I’m finding it easier to appease Kara every so often to keep her off my ass. And fuck, Tessa won’t even answer or return my calls. Will has refused to help me telling me that she and Tommie are doing well and he doesn’t want to step where he shouldn’t.
    I’ve been so close to just showing up, opening her door and pinning her up against the wall, but I know that any undue stress on her right now is not healthy for her or the baby. It fucking literally makes me ill to think that she hasn’t had the best of the best prenatal care. I’ve never felt the sting or wrath of evil until the day in the restaurant when I ran into her. Kara’s mom and girlfriends threw her a surprise baby shower, which was totally unneeded seeing that she’s already had one. The look on Tessa’s face hurt and then hearing Kara’s bitch friends giggle and make fun of her once again made me physically ill.  
    I’ve never come so close to punching a woman as

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