The Viking Wants Forever
failed. A seasoned warrior, he proved to too much for her. The rhythmic thrust of his long fingers, the methodical swirl of his thumb on her clit had her careening like a train without wheels. Nerves frayed, she pulled out the white flag.
    “Please...” she moaned against his mouth as he rimmed her sensitive slit.
    “Is there something you want?” Low and raspy, even his mockery proved a seductive weapon.
    If her hands weren’t still bound, she would’ve punched him. The Viking was a formative warrior both on the battlefield and in bed.
    “Is there something you want?” he asked again, while sliding two hooked fingers inside her. He bottomed and then withdrew. Each stroke applied a subtle pressure to the walls of her sex. Overcome with lust, her hips churned against his hand.
    Eirik pressed closer, his hot, hard body a potent catalyst.
    “I don’t want you to stop,” she choked out.
    With a smile curling his lips, he lifted her with his hand. “Look at me.”  The moment their eyes met, his pace quickened.
    Holy, completely by design, Batman! Voiced as an ardent command, it was also another tactic in his strategy. A means to shatter the remaining remnants of her resistance. Open her to another level of intimacy that sheer physical contact alone couldn’t quite reach, and made her woefully vulnerable.
    Or maybe she was over just overanalyzing the current situation?  
    Either way, his intense gaze proved to be the missing ingredient. She felt the vibration ripple through her entire body.  Restless, Reese tugged on her arms and turned her body away from him. A second later, she found herself still bound and flat on her back again. A scorching, predatory glint flashed in his eyes as he pushed faster and deeper. The tips of his fingers somehow always rubbing just the right spot.
    “You’re going to make me come,” she groaned.
    “More than once.”
    His promise fried the last of Reese’s brain cells. The spasms slammed into her core and she cried out. Gaze locked with his and pride no longer a factor, she pumped her pussy into his hand. Riveted by the masculine triumph reflected in his eyes, Reese came harder than she ever had in her life.
    Still shivering from the aftershocks, Reese felt the tension relax around her wrists as he released them. .
    “I want something too.” Gingerly, he moved over her and settled between her legs. His cock pressed against her and his luxurious mane of white-blond hair fell around them like a curtain. “I want to be inside you. So much it hurts.”
    Reese smiled. He’d won the battle, and yet he was seeking her permission to go in for the kill. If she weren’t careful she could fall for him. Hard.
    Hot, needy and way too vulnerable she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his lower back. Like a heat-seeking missile, his cock slid along her pussy lips and into place. “I’m all yours Viking.”
    With a feral growl, he gathered her in arms and sealed his mouth over hers. His approach so fierce it bordered on violence. 
    Bang, bang, bang
    Eirik tore his lips from hers. “Go away!” he shouted, and then planted a kiss on her collar bone. In spite of the intrusion on the other side of the door, Reese strained toward him wet, willing and oh so ready.
    “Eirik you must come quick!”
    Reese recognized the boy’s voice from yesterday. The one who marched them down to the water for a plunge in the fjord.
    “It’s Vida, Eirik! She’s quickening.”
    One second Eirik was all over her, the next he was pulling away. Sitting back on his knees, cock jutting toward her, he shoveled his hands through his hair.
    “I must go.” He stumbled from the bed in search of his clothing.
    “Who’s Vida?
    “One of my horses. She’s about to foal. She usually has a rough time of it.” He ducked his head to pull on a linen tunic. When he straightened, the deep V-neck collar showed off a good portion of his upper chest.
    Reese licked her lips. The sight of him had her libido going

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