Unexpected Places

Free Unexpected Places by V. K. Black

Book: Unexpected Places by V. K. Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. K. Black
eyes ran with tears. ‘I’m sorry,’ she gasped, turning over to hide her face. ‘I know it must hurt, and I am sympathetic, but I can’t help it.’ Her shoulders shook.
    His dick was okay really, while it rested in the cream. His lips twitched as he watched her. Her laughter was infectious, and to a girl it might seem funny. A guy would have been a lot more sympathetic. But he didn’t want a hairy guy in bed with him. Lovely, smooth curvy little Ariana was fine, giggling or not.
    He smacked her hard on her rounded backside.
    ‘Ow!’ She turned, and sat up to face him. ‘That hurt.’
    ‘It was supposed to. That’s another side of kink we can explore later. Do you enjoy being spanked, Moonbeam?’
    Her eyes rounded in horror. ‘No. And it’s Ariana.’
    He laughed. ‘Just kidding about the spanking.’ But, as she laughed shakily, he added, ‘For now.’
    She stared at him uncertainly. Laughing, he shook his head. ‘You’re in no danger right now, Moonbeam. Percy here is still very upset. You can have that shower now, and make sure you wash off all that chilli oil before you come anywhere near him again, okay?’
    Her face cleared and she giggled again as she stood. ‘Could I borrow a spare T-shirt and shorts from you?’
    He pointed to a set of drawers beside the bed. ‘Help yourself. I don’t think I can help you with the shorts though.’ His eyes narrowed on her tiny backside. ‘Nope. Anything I own would fall down. You’ll have to go commando.’
    She rolled her eyes. ‘Goodness, even with a burnt penis, you’re incorrigible.’ She bent and pulled out the top drawer. Where he had his lifetime supply of condoms. Hurriedly, she closed it, and pulled out the next drawer where his shirts were.
    ‘Hey, what can I say? I’m a guy. And the way you say ‘penis’ is cute.’
    She yanked out a shirt. ‘You only have black T-shirts in here.’
    ‘So I’m not into variety with my treasure-finding clothes.’ He admired her curvy back view as she walked toward the shower.
    Penis? Incorrigible?

Chapter Five
    As Luke suggested, Ariana had a long shower, and washed every trace of chilli away. She washed her panties while she was at it. Which meant, for this night at least, commando it was. When she emerged into the cabin, dressed in Luke’s T-shirt – which came down to her knees – she tensed. But Luke wasn’t there. She lay down on his bed, like the sacrificial virgin she was, and waited. And waited.
    Next morning, she was alone. No memories of Luke during the night. No stroking, no groping. Rumpled sheets showed he’d slept with her. So why did she feel insulted?
    What is wrong with you, Ariana? Don’t you have any pride?
    Ariana shrugged sulkily.
    Stepping into her now dry panties, and throwing her torn shorts into a bin, she walked past what Luke had assured her was called the galley. It looked like a kitchen to her; a very well-appointed kitchen. She noticed Luke had done the washing up. She raised her eyebrows, impressed.
    After climbing the steps, she arrived at the top deck and blinked at the sunlight and the view of the river from where Luke had parked the boat. She turned to the back of the boat and searched the horizon. The horrible little village had disappeared. The undulating, green countryside surrounding her seemed unpopulated. The huge, meandering Whylong River flowed between its gently sloping banks. She could see why Luke had said the navigating bit was tricky. Sandbanks broke the surface in every direction.
    But she saw what Luke had been aiming for before he’d put down the anchor. It was a much narrower river that flowed into the Whylong. And there were no sandbanks. Deep-looking water snaked through high cliffs into the distance. She heard a wolf whistle and glanced around. Luke was sitting at the pointiest end of the boat, his feet dangling over the side. Ariana made her way around to him and smiled as she sat down.
    ‘Hi,’ he said, smiling in return. ‘The T-shirt

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