Bad Girl Therapy

Free Bad Girl Therapy by Cathryn Fox

Book: Bad Girl Therapy by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
her long and hard.
    “So good,” he whispered into her mouth as he released with her, their hot bodies melding as one as he let go high inside her.
    They held each other tight and continued to make love well into the wee hours of the morning. It was only when they heard the others packing up that they forced themselves to separate. As much as Haley would love to spend the rest of the day lounging and making love to Cole at his cabin, she knew she needed to get back home and prepare for work tomorrow, especially if she wanted that promotion.
    Cole stayed close to her as they all cleaned up and put the cabin back in order. Once the others were gone, Cole walked her to her car. He hovered over her, his hands touching her all over.
    “So,” he whispered. “Can I see you tonight?”
    She gave him a playful wink. “If you’re real good, I’ll let you see all of me tonight.”
    Looking boyishly charming, he said, “I’d rather be real bad. ”
    She opened her mouth to respond but closed it when his cell phone interrupted them. He pulled it from his pocket and checked the caller ID.
    “Sorry, Haley, I have to take this. It’s my agent.”
    He stepped back an inch, and that’s when she noticed him favoring his leg. She frowned and berated herself for not paying extra attention to his needs. But they’d been so caught up in making love, neither had given his injury the proper attention it deserved.
    Haley threw her bag into her trunk, and when she heard the worry in Cole’s voice, her stomach tightened. She shot him a glance and didn’t miss the distress on his face. When his eyes met hers, she instantly understood that he’d just received bad news. As she continued to listen, to decipher the situation from Cole’s half of the conversation, her throat tightened and her heart went to him.
    Oh God, how could they do this? If there was one thing she’d learned this weekend it was that Cole’s career meant everything to him, and he had so many people counting on him. Guilt ate at her for not taking better care of him, and she gave herself a quick lecture for her inattentiveness.
    As she watched him pace, his broad shoulders tense and his jaw locked in concern, she decided then and there she had to do something. There was no way she would sit back and let them take away his career, not when she could do something about it.
    Cole paced the living room of his big, old, empty house as his conversation with his manager bounced around inside his head until he was lightheaded. A sense of panic raced through him as he thought more about what his manager had said—if he wasn’t back on the field for training in one month, the coach was going to bench him. Since his contract was up next year, if he sat the months out, it wouldn’t just ruin the upcoming season, it threatened his entire career.
    Antsy and agitated, he raked his fingers through his hair, and turned his thoughts to Haley. His injury might have been the worst thing that could have happened to him professionally, but it was the best thing to happen to him personally. Hell, if he hadn’t hurt himself, he wouldn’t have gone to Haley for rehabilitation, and their weekend of bliss never would have happened.
    Just thinking about her had his heart racing and his stomach clenching. After he’d shared his news with her, she seemed distracted and maybe even a little troubled. At first he assumed she was as distraught by the turn of events as he was, but now—well, now that she’d called to cancel their dinner plans tonight, an uneasy feeling grew inside him.
    Just then his cell rang and his pulse leapt. He hoped it was Haley. He pulled it from his pocket, and disappointment settled in the pit of his gut when he flipped it open.
    “Cole, it’s Carter. I’m at Lakeside Country Club with Sean. A tour bus just arrived, and the charity project manager asked if I could round up all the guys for an impromptu publicity gig.”
    Cole glanced at the clock. Since he no

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