The Moment She Knew

Free The Moment She Knew by Christine Farrey

Book: The Moment She Knew by Christine Farrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Farrey
back into bed and relaxed immediately.
    “All better now?” He asked.
    “Yes sorry I just can’t sleep with,” she stopped herself.
    “Sleep with what?” He wanted to know.
    “Nothing ,” she answered and turned away from him. She could feel the bed dip a little. She knew he was right next to her because she felt his warm breath on her neck and could smell his body wash. It smelled familiar, she was pretty sure it was her body wash. He cleared his throat, signaling her he wanted her to finish her sentence.
    “Did you use my body wash?”
    “Yea, I left mine in my bag and I didn’t think you would appreciate me running out of here naked just for body wash, so I used yours. It smells like warm brown sugar, the smell reminds me of you. I like it.” Callie wanted to ask what cologne he wore that made him smell delicious but she canned that idea. He was so close, she could feel the warmth his body gave off and it made forming sentences almost impossible.
    “So what is it you can’t sleep with?” He wasn’t going to stop until she answered.
    “I can’t sleep wearing a bra and underwear. It’s just not comfortable” She was thankful he couldn’t see her face. She felt the heat rising in it. Suddenly she felt cool air hit her warm skin as he lifted up the covers. She quickly turned in his direction to see what he was doing. He was looking at her body.
    “So you meant to tell me that under that tiny tank top and short shorts you aren’ t wearing a bra or underwear?” She closed her eyes and answered. He groaned.
    “God woman you are killing me .” Callie laughed. He was so close his body was spooning hers. He placed his arm over her body, holding her close to him.
    “I noticed your mood changed when Ryan showed up.” She was glad Ryan showed up. He made her feel content, but she didn’t know if she should tell Connor that, so she just stayed silent. Connor kissed her cheek and went to his side of the bed. Callie wanted to say something but those words were going to have to be left unspoken. Soon sleep came over her.
    She woke the next day to Connor not bedside her. She got dressed and went down stairs. Outside the guys were already in the water.
    “Put your bathing suit on Callie,” Connor yelled from the water.
    Callie went up to the room to change. On her way back down to the water she noticed Bree and company lounging in chairs sunbathing. Ricky ran up to them dripping wet and shook out his wet hair over them. They shrieked and he laughed. Bree caught the sight of Callie and got up heading towards the water. Bree yelled for Connor to wait up. She bent down and cupped some water in her hands. She then drizzled the water on her body, rubbing it around, while staring at Connor. She told Connor she needed to talk to him later. Connor nodded and held Callie’s hand as they walked into the water.
    One second the water was at Callie’s calf the next it was at her chest. She froze. Connor explained that there were spots all over where the ground just dropped. He instructed her to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and he would bring them out farther. She declined saying she felt like an idiot. He placed his hands on her waist and walked back further she feared another drop so did what he said. She was holding on tight. “Loosen up a bit there. Not that I don’t enjoy the closeness but you’re going to strangle me,” he chuckled. Connor saw how nervous she was and how her eyes kept darting out to land. “Do you trust me?” He asked.  She nodded. She did trust him but that didn’t completely stop her from being scared.
    Ryan and a few other people where in the water playing around. Another girl named Lucy was hanging on to Ricky. Ricky explained Lucy couldn’t swim either and for a moment the girls laughed and bonded over their lack of swimming skills. People were baffled because Lucy was half Puerto Rican and half Hawaiian. Having lived in both Hawaii and Puerto Rico but

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