The Housewife Assassin's Killer App

Free The Housewife Assassin's Killer App by Josie Brown

Book: The Housewife Assassin's Killer App by Josie Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Brown
about the kids, you’ll honor the fact that they already have a father who’s totally devoted to them.”
    Hearing this, his smile wavers. Still, he holds his game face. “Ah, yes, your rebound mistake—the unwavering Mr. Craig. Awesome. Should I find myself in need of a manny, I’ll know whom to call.”   Carl feigns a glance over my shoulder. “Speaking of your guard dog, don’t tell me he agreed to letting you come into this lion’s den alone!”  
    “Jack…isn’t part of the audit team.” I meant to say this as nonchalantly as possible, but I have a feeling he noticed that Jack’s name got stuck in my throat.
    “I see. Well, that’s certainly a step in the right direction.” An eyebrow arches in anticipation.
    “Don’t read too much into it, Carl. It was Jack’s decision, not mine.”
    “Even better! Now I can have you all to myself—”
    Seeing the anger flare in my eyes, he quickly adds, “—If only to convince you that I mean you and the children no harm.” He leans against the wall, as if the wind has been knocked out of him. “I don’t want to torture you anymore, Donna. All I want is your approval to share custody of Mary, Jeff, and Trisha. As we both know, I’ve already got the court’s approval.”
    I wince at this reality. “And we both know that my children have every right to resent the man who deserted them and their mother. You think that if I’ve forgiven you, they’ll do the same, which is why you want my approval so badly.” I cross my arms at my chest. “What makes you think you’ll ever get it?”
    “Because, deep down in your heart, you know I love them too.” His smile disappears. “Look, I know you find this hard to believe, but every event leading up to and since my disappearance was done with the intention of saving you and the kids from danger and…eventual heartache.” His hand reaches out to me. He touches my arm, gently stroking it, as if he doesn’t believe I’m really here, beside him. “I realize you don’t love me anymore. I’ve accepted that, and I’ve moved on.”
    “Good to hear.” Seeing the shadow of pain in his eyes, I add gently, “What I meant to say is, we’ve both made our peace with our personal consequences from your actions. Perhaps it’s time we look forward instead of backward.”
    “My point exactly! It’s your choice. Do I force the issue in court, or do we come to some sort of amicable agreement, just the two of us?”
    “Carl, I really don’t think there’s anything else you can say or do to convince me to change my mind about you staying out of our children’s lives.”
    He chucks me under the chin. “That’s exactly my point, hon. I’m not the one who has to do the convincing.”
    He’s right. We both know it, unless the Acme audit team finds a hacker’s trail that leads right to this office.
    “Damn it, I’m running late to a meeting with the joint chiefs and your most ardent admirer, POTUS. I’ll be sure to give him your best.” He looks down at his watch. “Tell you what, I’ll give you a final chance to convince me—tonight, over dinner in fact, in Georgetown. My assistant, Susan, will give you the address.”
    Perfect. A nice meal, in public, just two mature exes working out the final details of their children’s custody.
    And if he still insists on following through and ruining their lives, I’ll lace his food with an untraceable poison and blame it on the chef.
    I grit my teeth into a smile. “Sure. Say, eight o’clock?”
    “Perfect! I’ll be sure to ask Lee if his ears were burning this morning, what with all our dishing. Not to worry, though. I’ll leave him with the right impression—that your devotion to him knows no bounds.”
    Once again, Carl is hustling me out the door.  
    And, once again, he pats my ass.
    I turn angrily, only to find the door shut firmly behind me.
    Even before I ask for it, Susan writes down an address. In fact, she bears down so hard with her pen that she

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