Unlikely Allies

Free Unlikely Allies by C. C. Koen

Book: Unlikely Allies by C. C. Koen Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. C. Koen
ceiling, drawing in several deep breaths. Then he twisted toward Matt and squinted at the empty plates. “Let’s go.” Mr. Stone shoved the chair under the table so hard, water splashed out of the glasses and a fork fell toward the floor.
    Maggie dove to catch it but missed, her hand brushing along Mr. Stone’s thigh. “Sorry,” she mumbled, embarrassed at how close her fingers had come to his zipper.
    Miss High and Mighty cast a perturbed glare at her and stepped into her personal space, squaring off. “Not quick enough. He loves fast and hard. Trust me, you wouldn’t be able to handle him.” She crossed her arms, unwilling to back down, and not the least uncomfortable that some of the customers nearby overhead her inappropriate announcement.
    Clamping his large hand around the big mouth’s arm, Mr. Stone tugged, and then pushed her around tables and out the door.
    “I guess I’ll take care of the check then.” Matt came up alongside Maggie. “Everything was fantastic. If there’s any dessert left over, bring me some when you come to work later.” He patted his stomach again. “I didn’t get enough. Don’t be so stingy next time. I want at least a dozen of those.”
    She heard him but didn’t look his way much. Instead her eyes kept gravitating outside to the couple arguing on the sidewalk. Mr. Stone paced, then stopped to say something, and darted back and forth again. The shameless woman threw her arm out to halt him, flapping her gums and yelling whatever. Anytime the door opened from people going in and out, she could hear the remnants of the determined woman screeching.
    “Catch ya later, Mags.” Matt strolled in front of her and blocked the view, waving over his shoulder.
    She raised her hand, mimicking him, but he didn’t see her. “Bye,” she called. “Thank you.” Her voice rose above the noisy chatter. A peace sign shot up above his head, causing her to giggle.
    After paying the check, Matt exited the restaurant just as Mr. Stone hailed a cab and assisted the woman into it. He ducked his head inside and stayed there a bit before closing the door and pounding on top. The taxi took off.
    Mr. Stone’s eagle eyes locked on her exact position. Shivers rolled through her. Not the bad kind, the good. Too good.
    “Service, Maggie.” Antonio’s shout jolted her and helped get her priorities readjusted.
    She rushed to her station, filling the single order remaining in the machine as service wound down. A glance over her shoulder showed both men were gone.
    A red leaf salad, Charcuterie Plate, Escargot, and Le Gourmet burger kept her hands busy, while she gave herself a stiff talking to: you have responsibilities, tons on your plate, men are trouble, you don’t need another problem added to the list.
    Just forget him.

“A ND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE a Casanova? How the hell did you get that title after that fuck up?” Matt’s jab was punctuated with a hard smack on Rick’s shoulder as they walked toward the office building.
    “The last time I had anything to do with Lisa was at least six months ago. Believe me, I wasn’t goin’ there again. She wails through her whole orgasm. It’s so high pitched you’d swear a car’s brakes locked up. The screeching doesn’t stop until the coming ends in a head-on collision. My eardrums are thanking me. I swear they burst the last time. That got old as soon as it happened. How the hell anyone could put up with that on a regular basis I have no idea.” During his rant, his story picked up pace, hoping to lay it out as quickly as possible and end the conversation once and for all.
    “I wasn’t talking about her, shithead. No wonder you were the college dodge ball champ four years running. You duck and run better than anybody. I don’t ever remember you getting hit until now.”
    Ticked off, Rick reeled around and let his best friend have it. “Are you on a sugar high? Because you’re talkin’ stupid.” Turning his back on him, he took a few

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