Witch Road to Take
even fell on his bed, curled up in fetal position and
laughed. “Jonas! You can’t be serious. You didn’t just flex a
nonexistent bicep, did you?”
    His grin turned into a frown and he pulled
down his sleeve, slightly embarrassed.
    “Okay, I’m just playing with you.” Although,
I really wasn’t. “We need something that’s going to accentuate your
handsome features.”
    “We don’t have time, Red. I’m on stage in
two hours and I still have to meet with the band and set up the
equipment.” He glanced down at the floor.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “I’m kind of nervous. My family’s going to
be there tonight.”
    “Your family? As in your mother and
    He nodded. “My little brother, too. I
haven’t seen them for a year.”
    “Why not?”
    “After I was turned, life changed. My family
was scared of me, and the family didn’t trust me.” Jonas sat down
on his bed and continued.
    “I wasn’t all that different. I mean, my
sleeping habits changed and of course, my eating habits, but aside
from that, I would have never hurt them.”
    I sat next to him and took his hand. “You
are an amazing person. Being a vampire has only enhanced who you
    “You think so?”
    I tilted my head and tried to get his
attention, but his eyes stared toward the floor. “No doubt in my
    I understood how he felt. When I’d lost my
mother and found out the true nature of my father, I was
devastated. How could that be? How could something so despicable
result in two great kids?
    That was only the beginning of my turmoil.
After I heavily evaluated my father, I’d started to question Damien
and myself. If he was our father, than what were we ?
We must have been bad or evil. I’d tried that side of the fence.
I’d tried to hate and hurt others but it never felt right.
Afterward, I’d always regret and feel remorse.
    It took time for me to realize that although
I was my father’s daughter, I wasn’t my father. I was Dhellia Hunt,
a good-natured, kind, sarcastic soul who loved to love and be
loved. If anyone understood Jonas, it was me.
    “I don’t want to disappoint them
    “Listen to me. Tonight is not about
disappointing them or making them proud. Tonight is about you and
your band. It’s about the hard work and dedication you five have
had over the past year. Tonight is your night. You remember
    I didn’t want Jonas to measure the entire
night on what his parents thought because quite honestly, they may
not be proud. Parents never truly understand our choices in music
and our style of clothing. Sometimes, I think older people have
forgotten what it’s like to be young. So, if Jonas based his entire
performance on their reaction, he was setting himself up for
automatic failure, no matter how well they performed.
    “You’re right. I’m glad they’re going to be
there, and we’re going to kick ass on that stage. I’m not holding
myself back for anyone.”
    I wrapped my arm around him and rested my
head on his shoulder. “Jonas?”
    “You really need something else to wear. I
have an idea.”
    “I don’t have time for the mall,” he
    “I know, but what if the mall comes to
    “How you gonna pull that off?”
    Gavin stood with arms across his chest, his
stance rigid and his mind made up. “I’m going to tell you for the
last time, I’m not using my magic to clothe Jonas.”
    “You’re going to let your friend walk out on
stage looking like something that the cat dragged in?” I asked, my
hands on my hips.
    “Jonas is fine. That’s his trademark
    Jonas finally stood up from the bed.
“Actually dude, I’ve had those clothes since I was in ninth grade.
My parents didn’t have a lot of money, so they bought me what they
could. I’ve worn this stuff because it’s what I know. I guess I
don’t have a sense of style.” Jonas walked into his closet and
pulled out a red striped t-shirt and pair of black polyester

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