Now and Again

Free Now and Again by Brenda Rothert

Book: Now and Again by Brenda Rothert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Rothert
He picked up the darts and sat them down by his empty bottle. “Cricket? Round the clock? Assassin?”
    “Round the clock,” Layla said, since she remembered the darts game’s rules. She wanted to know more about his time in the Marines, but sensed he didn’t want to discuss it.
    “You can go first,” he offered. “Want a drink?”
    “I’ll stick with soda.” She cringed inside at the memory of him carrying her out of the pub drunk.
    They started the game after Ben returned from the bar with another beer, and Layla tried to clear her mind and focus. It was hard with him standing so near. She was just glad to get the darts on the board, given how much he frazzled her.
    The pub had filled up, and they were surrounded by loud voices and the music of a live band’s guitarist warming up to play. When she returned with the darts, Layla sat them in his hand and felt his fingers close over hers. His pale blue eyes studied her, and she felt a flutter in her chest that told her this was the moment he would lean down and kiss her.
    But he just held her gaze, his large thumb stroking across her knuckles gently.
    “Is there anything you want, boss?” he asked, close to smiling.
    Layla swallowed, gathering her courage. Just when she didn’t think she could get the words out, she inhaled a hint of sandalwood from Ben’s cologne, and she took a small fortifying breath.
    “I want you to kiss me,” she said softly, surprised by the waver in her voice. The corners of Ben’s mouth quirked up, and Layla worried for a split second that this was all a tease, and he’d say no.
    “I thought you’d never ask,” he said in a low tone meant only for her. He leaned his face down to hers and Layla’s insides quivered with anticipation. She’d never been so nervous or expectant with any man, even before sex.
    Her lips parted slightly and she wet them, glad she’d popped that breath mint after dinner. She could feel Ben’s warm breath on her lips as long seconds ticked past.
    “How do you want me to kiss you?” he asked. Layla pulled her face back an inch, giving him a puzzled expression.
    “You know, with your mouth … right now,” she said, a smile in her voice.
    “But you’re in charge so you have to tell me … hard or soft? Fast, or slow? Do you want me to bite your lip? Tongue, or no tongue? Hands, or no hands?” His voice was charged with amusement and arousal, and Layla decided he was enjoying this way too much.
    As she considered the options, a hot wave of desire ran though her, and she fought to maintain contact with those sensual blue eyes.
    “Hard. Slow. Tongue … and hands,” she said.
    “Where would you like my hands?”
    Layla glared at him. “You’re playing games with me,” she said, looking away. “If you don’t want to—”
    “Oh, I want to, Layla. I’ve wanted to for a very long time. But remember, you like being in charge. So … would you like my hands in your hair … against your back … on your ass?”
    “Yes,” she breathed. She wanted his hands everywhere all at once. Ben lowered his face to hers again, and she pressed her palms to his chest, stopping him just as she felt the warmth of his mouth nearing hers. “I, uh … I’m not sure if I answered you on biting my lip, and I just wanted to say -- yes.”
    His lips met hers immediately, and she reached around his neck, melting against his solid chest. As he wrapped his powerful arms around her tightly, he threaded one of his hands into her hair and moved the other one smoothly down her lower back.
    Though she was breathless, she couldn’t force herself to break away. The sensations of his rough stubble against her mouth and his demanding tongue tangling with hers were overwhelming, and so good. Layla wove her fingers into his thick hair, giving a startled moan when Ben’s teeth pulled against her bottom lip just enough to make her want more.
    She broke away from him, taking in a deep breath. Her fingers were still in his hair,

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