BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)
changed any instructions other than the one I gave you earlier. But I think I know what happened, stand by.”
Exhaling, Jasmine cleared her throat, glanced at the clock and then exhaled again. It wasn’t even noon. Lilly glanced at her and then up at her mate again. No doubt asking him what was going on.
“Cameron, did you give instructions to my compound security?” Jasmine added a note of incredulity in her voice. Being an Alpha had truly gone to his mind.
He cleared his throat. “I instructed the men to complete a level one security scan.”
“On what authority did you do that?” Jasmine asked in a low voice, tapping the desk with her fingernail.
“I…well…I assumed as Alpha I should offer assistance.”
“And did you offer me assistance?”
“Yes, by having the men complete the scan.”
“No, that is not offering me assistance and you know that. That is overstepping me and giving instructions to staff not under your control. Tell me, did La Patron tell you to come here in his absence? Or to order security scans?”
“No, he did not.”
“So for all you know, you just caused a few men to violate an order Silas put in place.”
“No, Mistress. If La Patron told them to do something, they would never have moved when I gave them instructions. They would’ve told me they couldn’t violate his orders.”
Lilly covered her face with her palm in the sudden silence of the room.
“Yes Mistress.”
“Alpha Cameron sent the men to do a first level scan. Each man who left their post will be docked a day’s pay and scrub all three floors of the gym tonight before seeking their rest.”
    “Yes, Mistress .” She heard the note of respect in his voice and smiled.
“Tell them the next time anyone disregards an order from me, I will pin them to the wall in the gallery for everyone to see.”
    “Yes, Mistress, I will be sure to pass that along .”
“I apologize again, Mistress,” Cameron said. No doubt Lilly had lit into him like fire after his insulting response. “I had no right to give instructions to your staff without your permission. I am still learning my role as Alpha. Plus, your role is new to me as well and I am accustoming myself to the fact La Patron is mated with a den. I hope you will accept my apologies and I accept any punishment you deem worthy of my offense.”
Jasmine glanced at the stack on her desk and knew she would be working later than she planned. “Join the guards who left their posts to follow your instructions in the gym after they finish their shifts. Help scrub the floors on all three levels.”
Lilly’s mouth opened and then snapped shut before turning to the side with a small grin.
“Yes Mistress,” Cameron said in a resigned tone.
“I made an exception for you last night and today and allowed you in the compound. You knew it was locked down.”
“I didn’t realize that included us. You mean we cannot come back and forth while La Patron is away?”
“No one, not even my mother, is leaving or returning to this compound while Silas is away. Believe me it is better for everyone. I don’t have the same level of control that he does and if something goes wrong I could bring down the mountains or something.” She tried to inject some levity in to what was a serious situation.
“I understand. I wanted to be close and available in case you needed me. I hoped to show La Patron he can trust me in his absence,” Cameron said in a quiet tone.
“If he didn’t trust you, you wouldn’t be Alpha,” Jasmine countered.
Cameron scoffed. “I’m Alpha because Tyrone didn’t want the job and everyone knows that. He would’ve won the challenge and that’s probably the real reason the full blood backed down.”
“Well then, do your job,” Jasmine said disliking the whine in his voice. “You have the entire state of West Virginia to clean up. Go meet your pack, introduce your bitch, tell them what plans you have to take this state and them into the next century. Be a

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