Never Say Goodbye

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Book: Never Say Goodbye by T. Renee Fike Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Renee Fike
such a sexy body,” she says looking off in the distance.
    “Earth to Brynn, where’d ya go?” I say laughing as I’m snapping my fingers in front of her face.
    “Hey sorry , was just thinking how hot my boyfriend is naked,” she says in awe.
    “Okay , well that’s nothing I want to know or hear about, so talk about something else please,” I beg.
    “So what ever happened with Mike? You saw him for like what two dates or something and then poof he’s gone?” She says looking at me all confused.
    “Ugh seriously, that reminds me next time you try to h ook me up DON’T. He was an ass,” I say with a disgusted look. Just the thought of him makes me want to punch him in the face and I’m not the angry type.
    “Okay wait a minute, what happened? He seemed like a great guy?” she asks with a slight frown.
    “Yeah B, he was so great we hung out twice and one time after that I went with Soph to a party and he was playing tonsil hockey with an ugly looking tramp. When I went home I made sure to wash my mouth out,” I say with a gross face.
    “ Ewe, I’m so sorry he didn’t really seem like the douchebag type Liv. I’ll make sure to do a proper background check next time,” she says smiling but looking all serious.
    “Whoa , No, No, No Brynn, you aren’t hooking me up on any more dates. I will find a man when I’m good and ready. Right now let me just have my fun,” I say as I head in to the bathroom not giving her a chance to say anything.
    The next three days go by fast and before I know it we are loading the cars up and heading to Miami for a week. I’m actually looking forward to the warm weather and the beaches, oh yeah and the hot men who’ll be runni ng all around. Yep, can’t wait.
    I’m driving down with Chad, Brynn, and Tony, a friend of Chad’s. He’s not on the basketball team with Chad , which I’m thankful. Had I been forced to listen to talk about basketball this or basketball that for an entire drive down south; I would have gone nuts, but thankfully I didn’t. Now don’t get me wrong I love basketball, but I think I started loving football more. What can I say my ex was great at football and I just got into the games more. Maybe given more time that will change, but who knows.
    The drive to Miami isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We finally make it to the hotel and head to our rooms. There is a group of twenty of us re all on the same floor so I can already tell how this is going to go. Oh well, you only live once right?
    “Wow , look at this view,” Brynn coos.
    “Holy shit, that’s amazing. You want to head down to the beach?” I ask hopeful.
    “Sure, let’s not tell anyone right now and just hang out for a bit, just us two,” she says with a smile.
    “Sounds good to me, ” I say as I grab my swimsuit out of my luggage and head into the bathroom.
    We get our things and sneak out of our room to head to the beach. It’s nice to not have to worry about anything or anyone right now. I just want to enjoy the fresh salty air, warm weather, and peaceful waves on the beach. We make our way down the beach then set up our towels and settle down to work on our tans.
    “I so needed this, thank you B for making me come,” I sigh to her.
    “Anytime best friend. This feels amazing. I could stay right here all week,” she says all but whispering.
    “Me too, how about we do that?” I say as I close my eyes.
    I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but Brynn continues to remind me to lotion up, which I do, who wants to get burnt on their first day of vacation? Not me, that’s for damn sure. After what feels like forever, we decide to head back to shower then go grab dinner.
    “Where the hell have you guys been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you,” yells an angry Chad.
    “Calm down baby , I told you we were heading to the beach,” Brynn says as she leans up to kiss her boyfriend.
    “Oh shit, I completely forgot,” he says shaking his

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