Never Say Goodbye

Free Never Say Goodbye by T. Renee Fike

Book: Never Say Goodbye by T. Renee Fike Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Renee Fike
    “OH MY Gosh things are better than okay Liv. I will tell you everything in a bit, I promise. I’m going to hang out here for a little while longer than Chad’s going to drop me off,” she says cheerfully.
    “Okay good , I’m very glad to hear that. I will just see you later then B,” I say now smiling because my best friend is beyond happy by the sound of her voice.
    I’m glad they were able to figure out whatever issue was going on. Brynn deserves to be h appy and Chad makes her happy.
    I decide to be lazy and just hang out at the dorm for the day , so I pull my iPad out to catch up on some reading.
    At some point I must doze off because I wake up to an all exciting, bouncy, Brynn who is super hyper. What the hell?
    “Brynn, can you tone it down just a notch please?” I beg while yawning.
    “Sorry Liv , but things are amazing,” she says bouncing over to my bed to sit on the edge of it.
    “Okay spill B , what happened?” I ask trying to sound a little cheery.
    “Get this…so Chad was nervous because he wanted to tell me that he loves me , but he wasn’t sure I felt the same way. So each time he would think about it he would get scared and back out and then would make excuses because he started to think I didn’t have those feeling for him, the bonehead,” she says with the biggest grin on her face.
    “See , you had nothing to worry about Brynn, he loves you,” I say sweetly.
    Brynn’s cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink and she sighs, “I know I can’t believe it. I did yell at him though, and told him that he was driving me nuts,” she says with a smile.
    “Well I’m just glad you guys got things figured out,” I say as I give my best friend a hug.
    “Me too and oh G od the sex was out of this fucking world,” she states for the world to hear.
    I just laugh , because well, what can I really say to that.
    The rest of the evening is pretty low key. We eat the goodies I got earlier and watch some girly movies before calling it a night. Class comes way t oo early Monday morning.

Chapter Eight
    “Liv, I know what you’re going to say, but please just hear me out,” Brynn practically begs, “Please, pretty please, come with me to spring break. It will be so much fun I promise.”
    “B , you guys leave in like 3 days, there’s no way I can possibly get a room or anything now,” I say, hoping she lets it go.
    “You can room with me s illy girl,” she says with a laugh.
    “No, you’r e rooming with Chad remember?” I say reminding her.
    “No , best friend of mine, Chad is rooming with Evan and you are rooming with me, we already decided,” she says with a smug grin.
    “Who decided? “ I ask curiously.
    “Chad, me, and Evan duh, who else? ” she says like I don’t count.
    “Brynn , don’t you think you should have included me in this little conversation that’s about me?” I state slightly irritated.
    “Oh please Liv , we both know you would have made up some excuse and now you can’t, so get packing bitch, we leave in 3 days,” she says with the biggest smile on her face. I hate when she does this.
    “Really B , I don’t wanna go,” I say defeated.
    “Liv , seriously why not? We talked about this for over a year now,” she says looking intently.
    “I don’t know , things are just different now I guess.”
    “Liv seriously, talk to me. What’s going on?” She says in a calmer tone.
    “Nothing really , I’m just not in the mood to party and get wasted every day for a week. I just want to enjoy no school or sorority stuff, that’s all.”
    “ What if I promise not to make you drink, we can just go and have a good time and get our tan on. Plus we can definitely check the hotties out in Miami,” she says practically jumping with delight.
    “B , remember you’re with Chad and he’s going along, so you need to behave,” I happily remind her.
    “Oh , I know and trust me I’m looking forward to seeing him in nothing but swimming trunks too. That man has

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