Never Say Goodbye

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Book: Never Say Goodbye by T. Renee Fike Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Renee Fike
    “Really, you forgot she told you she was heading to the beach, seriously dickhead?” says an irritated Evan.
    “My bad man, ” Chad says with a small smile to his friend. Evan just walks away heading towards his room.
    “Baby , I can’t believe you forgot where we were going,” Brynn says with a laugh.
    “S hit, I can’t believe I did that,” Chad says while running his fingers through his hair.
    “We are going to get showered . Then how about we all go get dinner?” Brynn asks sweetly.
    “That sounds good.” Chad says kissing his girlfriend again.
    “Well while you two suck faces, I’m going to take my shower first,” I say with a smile and walk to our room.
    “You better hurry your ass up in that sho wer bitch, because I’m starving,” Brynn yells down the hall at me. All I can do is laugh as I enter the room.
    Before we know it we’ re all sitting in the restaurant stuffing our faces with some amazing Italian food. This restaurant, Italiano Delight is amazing.
    “So what are the plans for tonight?” Evan asks the table.
    “Going out somewhere,” Chad replies. I see Brynn look at me out of the corner of her eye and I know what she’s planning, damn her.
    “Going out sounds fun, what do you say Liv?” Brynn says , so now everyone is looking at me. The little shit.
    “Umm well I’m not sure; it depends on where you’re going.” I state.
    “We should totally hit up a club, I feel like dancing tonight.” Meg says and Sophie is shaking her head agreeing.
    “A club with dancing it is then, ” Brynn says with an I got you smile.
    After dinner we head back to the hotel to get ready for our night out on the town, well ci ty, we are in Miami after all.
    “B , I have no idea what to wear to a Miami nightclub,” I say throwing everything out of my luggage.
    “Here , you can wear this,” she says as she hands me a cute little black dress.
    I start laughing, “B seriously I can’t wear this, it will never fit my body,” I say throwing it back towards her.
    “Oh shush , yes you can Liv. It’s stretch material that will fit you like a glove. Just put the damn thing on,” she says with a look that says don’t fuck with her. So I don’t. I put the dress on and feel slightly self-conscious in it. It’s cut very low in the front and the back and yeah now that I have it on, it’s a very short little black dress.
    “Brynn,” I say in a serious tone, “I can’t wear this out tonight.” I say while staring at myself in the mirror.
    “Bitch, yes you can. You look hot. Men are going to go crazy seeing you,” she says with a huge I told you so look.
    “No B , this isn’t me I can’t wear this out,” I say frustrated.
    “Can’t or won’t Liv? Come on live a little . Have some fun. You look hot and you need to get yourself out there,” she says harshly.
    “Brynn if this is you trying to get me to find a gu y then stop, it’s not happening,” I say angrily.
    “Liv , calm your titties down. First off, I wouldn’t hook you up with a guy in Miami, that’s for when we get home. Two, you look sexy as hell and no one knows you here. So strut your shit and let’s go,” she says giving no room for argument. I decide it’s not worth the effort; instead I follow her out the door to go dancing. She does have a point.
    ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    “Come on Liv , dance with me,” says Tony in an annoying voice.
    “Not right now, maybe later,” I say trying to brush him off.
    “Hey gorgeous how are you this evening?” some random guys asks.
    “I’m good, but looking for my friend sorry,” I say trying to walk away. Where the hell is Brynn?
    “I’ll be your friend baby,” another random guy says getting closer to me.
    “No , that’s okay.” I say continuing my look for Brynn.
    “Come dance with me baby,” yet another random guy says as he pulls my arm heading towards the dance floor.
    “Dude I said no, back the hell off,” I yell pulling my arm out of his

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