A Touch of Death

Free A Touch of Death by Ella Grey

Book: A Touch of Death by Ella Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Grey
Tags: Paranormal Flirt
There’s a saying, never work with children or animals. I was pretty sure they should have added lovers to that list. With a careful motion, I unrolled the blueprints and moved the four pink crystals into each of the corners to keep it in place. I fought against the urge to reach across the blueprint and throttle Patrick Maroon. Instead, I kept my focus on the paper and ignored the way he rolled his eyes at everything that left my lips. After a while, I couldn’t take it any longer.
    “Rick, if you think that you can do this better please go ahead. I mean, I’m just the one who planned the whole thing, picked the piece we would be stealing, and on top of that worked the spells we need to get through this and not end the night in a police cell or worse.” I glared at him and he raised his hands in mock surrender.
    He was a good-looking guy, no doubt about it. A Sylph, which meant he was more element held together by will than a flesh and blood human. Light blue hair was brushed away from an angular face and piercing eyes that matched his hair. Elementals weren’t tied to any particular shape but the one he’d chosen had an interesting effect on something a lot lower than my heart. He’d managed to charm his way right into my bed and became my partner for my current plan.
    It had bad idea written all over it.
    “Of course not, Sweets. You’re right this is your plan and it’s a fine one at that.” I was about to speak when he raised his hand, cutting and pissing me off. “You’ve got an Elemental at your command. Wouldn’t it be easier to tell me what you wanted and I could go in there and get it for you?” That put upon Southern accent was starting to drive me insane.
    “I already told you; you’ve got your part of the plan. You need to be your air form and keep an eye on the security detail. There is no way in telling if they have guards against the more supernaturally inclined.”
    Patrick scoffed. “I’m starting to believe that you don’t trust me. What makes you think that you’re a better thief than one who has a non-corporeal form?”
    I crossed my hands over my chest and the black clothes I planned on wearing for the job. “You have to be solid to pick it up and leave the building. I’m not depended on using my witchy skills. I use my human ones as well.”
    “Of course, you are the professional after all.” The words were a compliment but it sounded more like an insult coming from him. I was surprised that the relationship, and I used the word loosely, had lasted as long as it had. A creature of the air meant that his interest was fickle at best. Patrick made his way around the table. How long would it take before he left or would he need a magical assist?
    “Come on Fiona. There’s no point in arguing. We both know this job backwards, forwards, and everything in-between. May I suggest spending the next few hours doing something else we both enjoy doing?” He picked up my hand and brought it to his lips. My breath caught as my body betrayed me. Its reaction annoyed the hell out of me. I was pretty sure I didn’t even like him anymore but he was right. There were others things we did incredibly well.
    I glanced down at blueprints. He did have a point. I knew the plan inside and out. Get in, grab it, and get out. As far as plans went, it couldn’t have been any simpler. A majority of the preparations had taken place weeks in advance. That was the point of being a successful thief. You had to know every angle, plan for every eventuality. It was a skill I had down to a fine art. Patrick reached up, brushing a stray strand of red hair away from my cheek. “Come on, Sweets. I’m dying for another taste.” His lips followed the same path as his fingers had done a moment before, trailing down to my lips. I wanted to push him away but as soon as those soft lips of his brushed over mine, I was lost. They swept any logical thought out of the window with one swift kiss. His fingers traced a path

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