The Fire Walker

Free The Fire Walker by Nicole R. Taylor

Book: The Fire Walker by Nicole R. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole R. Taylor
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
am I," I said huskily. "But, I still want you." It was the truth. I didn't just sleep with anyone who threw themselves at me.
    I slid my hands between her and the wall, cupping her ass, pressing her into the length of my body. She moaned into my neck and I moved to kiss her again, but she pushed me back, breaking contact.
    She was gone and I suddenly felt cold, but the lamp beside the bed flicked on, casting its warm glow over us. She was standing next to the bed, her eyes locked on mine and I just wanted to push her back on the mattress and show her exactly how she made me feel all night long, but when I took a step forward she shook her head.
    I didn't have time to feel rejected, because she pulled off her singlet, her mousey blonde hair falling all over the place. My eyes were fixed on her hands as they slid down her stomach to the button on her shorts and it was painful to watch. 
    She was standing there with her tattoo and almond skin and her perfect brown eyes and I couldn't believe she wanted me. Kicking off my boots, I took three long strides and pushed her back onto the bed with a growl, my fingers between the lace of her underwear and her skin, feeling every curve. Arching her back, she unclasped her bra and I pulled it off, flinging it across the room and I took a nipple in my mouth, tugging her underwear off.
    "Dee," she gasped and the sound of her saying my name with such want made me strain harder against the inside of my jeans. All this time she'd wanted me as much as I had wanted her. I wasn't sure before, but now I was positive.
    "Fuck, Jessie," I murmured against the curve of her breast.
    She tugged at my jeans and I pushed them off my hips, dragging my boxers with them, then it was just us. Skin on skin. I didn't want to be anywhere else but inside her. I wanted to feel her squirm, I wanted to hear her moan, and I wanted her to say my name as she came around me.
    I ran a hand over her waist, down her leg and pulled her around me. I covered her mouth with mine, sucking on her bottom lip as I rolled my hips forward, pressing hard into her clit and the moan that escaped her, echoed through me. Did she understand how this made me feel? I had no idea, but I was having a good time showing her.
    My other hand slid between us, my palm over her clit and my fingers found her opening.
    "Fucking hell, Jessie," I groaned into the crook of her neck when I felt how wet she was.
    When I slid a finger inside, she clawed my back and said, "Fuck me, Dee. Fuck me ."
    "I don't want to fuck you," I murmured, sliding a second finger in with the first. "I want to make love to you. I want you to feel what you do to me."
    Her eyes widened, but I was too far gone to worry about what this meant to her. Pulling away, I reached for my discarded jeans, searching the pockets. When I pulled out what I was looking for, her fingers covered mine and she took the condom from me, her eyes never leaving mine. Her teeth tugged at her bottom lip as she took me in her slender hand, running up and down my hard length.
    "If you keep doing that, I'm not going to last," I whispered, pressing into her fingers.
    Her lips curved into a wicked smile as she let go and began rolling on the condom agonizingly slow. My breathing hitched as her hands slid back up to my tip and then they were on my face, drawing my lips back to hers.
    "Fuck me," she whispered, her breath hot against my mouth and I was more than happy to comply.
    I eased into her, wanting to savor everything, but her hands were on my ass, pulling me in faster. I thrusted deep and she arched her back off the mattress, letting out a strangled moan.
    "Make me come," she groaned and something inside me snapped.
    Pulling out to the tip, I slammed back into her, the sensation almost sending me over the edge. She felt exquisite. I'd never get enough of Jessie Ware. She made me feel raw and she wanted me to fuck her, so I did.
    I lost myself as I moved inside her, each thrust of my hips meeting hers in a

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