The Fire Walker

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Book: The Fire Walker by Nicole R. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole R. Taylor
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
delicious gasp from her perfect lips. She was hot and trembling underneath me and the intensity hit me like a sledgehammer. No woman had ever made me feel like this. Ever.
    "You feel so good," I breathed, moving faster, my orgasm building.
    "Harder," she groaned, sinking her fingernails into my back.
    Jessie could have asked me to do anything right then and I would have walked across fire for her.
    She started to come hard and she said my name over and over as she clenched around me, coaxing my own release. I started to fall over the edge, but I kept moving, making her own orgasm go on and on. Then her lips were against my shoulder, teeth sinking into skin and I couldn't hold on any more. My orgasm was overwhelming and I grunted her name against the curve of her neck as I came and came inside her.
    Finally, when we both started to come down, I slumped against her, my chest heaving, our skin sticking together. I'd never felt like this before. I was by no means inexperienced, but this was a whole new level.
    Watching Jessie's big beautiful, doe eyes droop, I kissed her softly on the lips, lingering a moment. When she let out a contented sigh, I rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom. But, by the time I came back, she was fast asleep and the things I wanted to say would have to wait.
    I pulled up the covers and wrapped an arm across her waist and before I flicked the lamp off, I let my eyes wander over her, committing everything to memory. The soft expression she had when she slept melted my heart and I knew I was in trouble. I was into her before, but now I was falling. I wanted to hold on and never let go.
    Jessie Ware had just stolen the last slice of my heart.

    I didn't know what time it was when I finally woke, but light crept into the room through the crack in the curtains right across my face, warming my skin. Rolling over with a groan, I reached out for Jessie, but my hand fell into an empty bed. She wasn't in it and my heart sank. Maybe she was in the shower, but I instantly dismissed that stupid thought when I realized it was deathly silent.
    Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes with a yawn. That's when I saw the piece of paper on the pillow next to me and time just seemed to stop. This couldn't be right, could it?
    I stared at the piece of hotel stationary for ages before I picked it up, my stomach churning. I already knew what it would say and didn't want to believe it. Swallowing hard, my hand trembling, I turned it over and there were the two words I'd become so familiar with. The two words that were the story of my life.
    I'm sorry .
    Clenching my jaw, I screwed up the note and threw it at the opposite wall with a cry of agony. I buried my face in my hands and drew in heaving breaths. She left me. She fucking left me in the middle of the night like some cheap piece of crap.
    I suddenly felt like a fool for saying all that shit to her. Everything I'd felt the night before was ruined. I'd had a broken heart before, but it had never been smashed. Smashed was the wrong word. Obliterated was more like it.
    Jessie Ware obliterated me.
    The sheets smelt like her perfume. They reeked with what we'd done last night and I felt sick. I could have chucked up right then, but I went into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower as far as it went and stood underneath the scalding water, washing her off me. I was a guy, I didn't cry. But, I felt the sting in my eyes and was glad the water took the tears away before I had to acknowledge them.
    What the hell was so wrong with me?
    Eventually, I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and went back out into the empty room. Her room. All her stuff was gone and it was almost eleven. Housekeeping would be here soon, so I had to get out. Dragging on my clothes, I picked up my phone and wallet and stepped into my boots, not stopping to do up the laces, not that I did anyway.
    I pulled open the door and thumped out into the hall and jabbed the button

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